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单词 direct
direct1/də′rekt, dɪ′-, daɪ′-/ adj [-er/-est, more/most~]; adv

adj (1) 笔(一)直的(straight; shortest; not turned aside) [尤作attrib]:the most~way/course/route to somewhere 到某处的最近的路/路程/路线;move in a~line 沿直线运动;make a~hit/shot on sth 正好击/射中某物;a~flight/train 直达航班/火车;~current 直流电;〖同〗straight;〖反〗indirect, curved;

(2) 直接的(with nothing or no one coming between; immediate) [无comp]:a~link/connection/negotiation 直接联系/连接/谈判;have a~telephone link with the President 与总统有直线电话联系;Her failure was the~result of her illness/cause of her committing suicide. 她的失败是患病的直接后果/自杀的直接原因。be in ~ contact with sb 与某人有直接接触;~exposure to a disease 直接感染上一种疾病;~sunlight/cost 直接的阳光/成本;~tax/action 直接税/行动;〖反〗indirect;

(3) 直系的,嫡系的((of family relationships)in an unbroken line of descent from parent to child) [作attrib][无comp]:be a~descendant of sb (descend in a~line from sb)是某人的嫡系后裔;

(4) 直(坦)率的(straightforward; honest and frank):He's very frank and~. 他很坦诚直率。be~with one's questions/with sb/about sth 提问/待人/对某事直率;a~person/manner/question/answer/talk/approach/way 直率的人/方式/问题/答复/交谈/方法/方法;〖同〗frank, straightforward; sincere, honest;〖反〗indirect;

(5) 恰(正)好的,完好的(exact; complete) [作attrib][无comp]:(person/opinion) be the~opposite of sb/sth(人/意见)与……截然相反;be in~contradiction to sth 与……正相矛盾;make a~denial of sth 矢口否认某事;a~quotation 原文引用;~speech 直接引语;〖同〗exact;

→di′rectness n 直率,坦诚;di′rectly adv;

adv(1) 一直地,直接地,径直(in a straight route; without interrupting a journey):(train) go~to a place(火车)一直开往某处;(plane) fly~to a country(飞机)一直飞往一个国家;(road) lead~to a city(路)一直通往一个城市;(person) go/drive~to a shop (人)一直走/驾车开往一商店; come~from sb 从某人处直接来;

(2) 直接(亲自)地(with no one between; personally):deal with/report to sb~亲自对付某人/向某人报告;order books~from the publisher 直接从出版商处订购书





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