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单词 dim
dim/dɪm/ adj [-mm-; -er/-est]; v [-mm-]

adj (1) 昏暗的,暗淡的((of a light)not bright):a~lantern/star/colour 昏暗的灯笼/淡淡的星光/暗淡的颜色;~candle-light 昏暗的烛光;see a~light in the distance 看见远处有昏暗的光亮;in the~light 在昏暗的灯光下;The lights are growing too~for them to see. 灯光越来越暗,他们什么也看不见了。〖同〗dark;〖反〗bright;

(2) 昏暗的((of a place) badly lit):a~corridor/corner/staircase 昏暗的走廊/角落/楼梯;It was~in the room. 房间里光线暗淡。〖同〗dark;〖反〗bright;

(3) 模糊的,朦胧的(not easy to see; indistinct):the~outline of a building on a dark night 黑夜里一座楼房模糊的轮廓;the~shape of an animal in the mist 雾中一动物的模糊形状;the~church steeple against the sky 天空中教堂尖塔的模糊轮廓;〖同〗vague, faint, indistinct; 〖反〗distinct, clear;

(4) 模糊的,看不清楚的 ((of the eyes) not able to see clearly):The old man's eyesight is getting~. 老人的眼睛越来越花了。eyes~with tears 模糊的泪眼;

(5) 记不清的,模糊的(not clearly remembered):have a~memory (recollection) of one's childhood/last night's event/sb 对童年/昨晚的事件/某人有着模糊的记忆;〖同〗vague, faint, indistinct;〖反〗distinct, clear;

(6) 迟钝的((of people) not clever or intelligent)(infml):She's a bit~! 她有点迟钝!a~child 一个迟钝的小孩;〖同〗dull, slow, stupid;〖反〗bright, clever, intelligent;

→′dimly adv 昏暗地;模糊地;′dimness n 昏暗;模糊;′dim-wit n 笨蛋,傻瓜;′dim-witted adj 愚钝的;

v(使)变暗(模糊)((cause to) become dim) [I T+n]:The auditorium/stage lights(were)~med. 礼堂/ 舞台的光线暗下来了。His memory of the event~med as the years passed. 一年年过去,他对那一事件的记忆模糊了。 His eyes~med with tear. 他的双眼因为泪水而模糊了。Tears/The smoke~med his eyes. 泪水/烟雾蒙住了他的双眼。He~med the lights/the car's headlights. 他把灯光/车灯拧暗。~the glory of a party 玷污党的荣誉;The tree by the window~med the room. 窗边的树遮暗了房间。〖同〗darken, cloud; dull, fade;

【辨异】dimdarkobscure gloomy的区别见DARK。





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