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单词 回旋余地

回旋余地huí xuán yú dì

enough room for sb to manoeuvre; latjtude; leeway; room for freedom of action
❍ 处在四面或三面被敌包围的中间,要建立长期支持的根据地,山地当然是最好的条件,但主要是须有游击队回旋的余地,即广大地区。(《毛泽东选集》》393) In places surrounded by the enemy on all sides,the moan tainous regioils naturally offer the best COIlditions for setting up base areas which call hOld out fOr a long time. but the main thing is that there must be enough rooom f or the guerrillas t o manvtoeubwe,namely,the areas have to be extensive.
❍ 事情已经作出了决定,再没有一了。Decision has been made nnd it is impossible t o make changes any more.


flexibility;leeway;room for manoeuvre
没有~谁都难以妥协。No one is ready to make comprose without any leeway./你们在执行协议的问题上有很大~。You have much power of discretion regarding the implementation of the agreement./扩大在国际事务中的~ gain more room for the conduct of diplomacy in international affairs/还有~ a margin is allowed;be given some leeway;The whole thing is not yet final,it’s still possible to make some changes.





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