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单词 dirt
dirt/dɜ:t, AmE dɜ:rt/ n

(1) 污物(垢)(unclean substance such as dust mud etc esp in the wrong place) [U]:wash/get the~off(the wall/one's knees) 洗/弄掉(墙/膝上的)污垢;wash the~out of the clothes 洗去衣服上的污垢;keep sth free from~使……保持干净;(clothes/shoes)be covered with(in)~(衣服/鞋上)尽是尘土;There is some~on his face. 他脸上有点脏。have~on one's shoes 鞋上有尘土;〖同〗dust;

(2) 泥土(loose earth or soil on the ground) [U]:play/sit in the~在泥土中玩/坐;a pile of~一堆泥土;fill a flowerpot with~给花盆装土;Rock and~came tumbling down from the mountain. 岩石和泥土从山上滚落下来。~farmer/road 自耕农/土路;〖同〗soil, earth, ground;

(3) 下流话(文字)(nasty language about sex) [U](infml):yell~at sb 冲某人喊脏话;Be quiet! Nobody likes to hear that kind of~! 住嘴!没人想听那种脏话。a good story with a bit of~in it 带点黄色的好故事;

(4) 流言蜚语,闲言碎语(nasty talk about people) [U](infml):She enjoys hearing all the (a bit of)~about her neighbours. 她喜欢听所有(一点)有关邻居的闲话。The magazine publishes/is filled with~about movie stars. 这杂志发表/充满关于影星的流言蜚语。fling/throw~at (on) sb 诽谤某人;〖同〗rumour;

→′dirty adj v & adv





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