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单词 vanity


1 . emptiness,i . e. pleasures of the world. earthly joys空虚,(指)尘世的快乐。
△Rom. 2. 6 . 20: “so light is vani-ty.”(From the view of religion,only heavenly thingsare eternal,and love is mere “vanity”.)虚幻的快乐总是轻飘飘的。
2. empty pride,futility,trifling虚荣,无益,闹着玩。
△Rom. 1 . 1 . 183 (178): “O heavy lightness. seriousvanity!”(Love is both unhappy and happy; it is both serious and empty.) 啊,沉重的轻浮,严肃的虚妄!
△ 1H.IV.5.3.33 (32): “There’s honour for you! Here’s no vanity!”i.e. There’s true honour for you,there’s no empty pride about this. 你可真有了荣誉!这可不是虚荣!
△ 2H.IV.4.5. 118 (119):“Harry the Fifth is crowned! Up,vanity!”哈利五世加冕了! 起来吧,浮华!
3. frivolity. triviality,empty-headedness 轻浮,浅薄,没头脑。
△2H.IV.5.2.129:“The tide of blood in me /Hath proudly flowed in vanity till now:”我的热情的浪潮在此以前曾经无拘无束地在轻浮行为之中奔流。
△ H.V.24.130: “As matching to his youth and vanity,I didpresent him with the Paris balls.”我送给他那些巴黎网球,因为它们正适合他那少年轻浮的脾气。
4. empty and vain conceit. illusion 空虚想法,幻想。
△ H.VIII.2.3.68:“nor my wishes / More worth thanempty vanities;”我的祝愿也不比空想有更多的价值。
5. worldly considerations. empty and vain pursuit.frivolous pursuits 世俗之念,虚荣事务,轻浮之事。
△ 1H.IV.1.2.91(81):“But,Hal,I prithee trouble me no morewith vanity;”(Falstaff speaks mockingly in the idiomof the Elizabethan idioms. “Vanity” was a favouriteword of the Puritans.) 可是,哈尔,我请你,别再拿这些俗事来打搅我吧。
△ H.VIII.1.1. 53: “What had he / To doin these fierce vanities?”这些狂热的世俗事务跟他有什么关系?
△ H.VIII.1.1.85: “What did this vanity / Butminister communication of / A most poor issue?”这种虚荣活动除了导致一场收效甚微的会谈之外,又有什么好处?
6. folly 蠢事。
△H.V.2.4.36: “his vanities fore-spent”,他过去的那些蠢事。
△ H.VIII.1.3.38: “thesetrim vanities”,i. e. spruce follies. worthless things. 这些卖弄潇洒的蠢事。
7. empty boast 自吹自擂的空话。
△ 1H.IV.5.4.74: “Ican no longer brook thy vanities. ”我不能再容忍你这些大话。
8. splendour,fine show,finery 豪华,夸饰,华丽。
△Oth.4.2.163: “To do the act that might the additionearn,/ Not the world’s mass of vanity could make me.”全世界的荣华富贵也不能使我干出丑事来博得这个称号。
9. i.e.Vanity,a character in old morality plays,re-presenting folly and worldliness 虚妄(英国中世纪道德剧中的一个人物)。
△ 1H.IV. 2.4.506 (454): “that vanity inyears?”i.e.that aged Vanity. 那个上了年纪的虚妄。
10.❶vain pursuits of life. worldliness 虚荣事务,世俗之道。
❷frivolity,lightness 轻薄,轻浮。
△ 1H.IV.5.4.105: “O,I should have a heavy miss of thee / If Iwere much in love with vanity!”啊,如果我真是非常耽于世俗游乐(双关:喜爱轻浮),我该要对你感到沉重的想念!
Vanity the puppet:i.e. Lady Vanity,a character inmorality puppet-shows 木偶“虚荣”,(指西欧中世纪)木偶道德剧中的一个人物“虚荣夫人”。
△ Lr.2.2.39 (35): “Youcome with letters against the King. and take Vanitythe puppet’s part against the royalty of her father.”(Vanity the puppet.i.e. Goneril)你带着不利于国王的信件来,和那木偶“虚荣”同党,跟她的父亲王上作对。


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