单词 | political |
释义 | political/pə′lɪtɪkl/ adj (1)政治的 (of the government of a country; of public affairs in general)[无comp]:~rights/liberties/freedoms/problems政治权利/自由/自由/问题;a~system 政治体制;The causes of the country's poverty are~but not economic. 该国贫困是由于政治的而不是经济的原因。~economy 政治经济学;~geography 政治地理(学);~science (= politics) 政治学; (2)党派政治的(of or concerning the conflict between two or more parties) [无comp]: a~party/debate/crisis 政党/政治辩论/危机;~skill/know-how/opinions 政治手腕/诀窍/主张; (3)(指行动)反政府的 ((of actions) considered to be harmful to a government) [无comp]: a~offence/crime/prisoner 政治犯罪/罪行/犯;imprisoned on~grounds 由于政治原因被囚禁;seek/ask for/be granted~asylum 寻求/要求/被准予政治避难; (4)(指人)对政治有兴趣的,积极参与政治的 ((of people) interested or active in politics): The students in this university are very~. 这所大学的学生对政治非常感兴趣。He is not really a~person. 他实际上并不是一个对政治感兴趣的人。I'm not a~animal! 我不是政客! (5)(组织内部)争权夺利的 (concerned with power, status, etc within an organization rather than with the true merits of a case)(通常derog): It was a~decision. 这是政治决定。 ←′politics n; →po′litically adv 政治上 |
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