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单词 polish
polish/′pɒlɪ ʃ, AmE ′pɑ:l-/ v [-es / ɪz/]; n [-es / ɪz/]

v (1)(使)磨(变)光滑(亮) ((cause the surface of sth to) be smooth and shiny by rubbing) [I I+prep(with), I+adv(up), T+n T+n+prep(with), T+n+adv(up)]: This table doesn't~very well. 这张桌子不易擦亮。The wood~es easily. 这种木材容易打磨光亮。~the car/the glasses 擦亮汽车/眼镜;~the silver before the guests arrive 客人来以前将银器擦亮;~(up) furniture/shoes with a cloth 用布将家具/鞋擦光亮;〖同〗shine,smooth;

(2)修改,润色,使完美(improve sth; make sth more refined) [T+n](fig):~a speech/an article 润色一篇讲话/文章;The speaker spent several days~ing her lecture. 演讲者花了几天时间字斟句酌地修改讲稿。His manners need~ing.他的举止有待改进。〖同〗perfect,refine,improve,correct;

polish off (v adv) 迅速完成(vt)(infml):~off a job/a pile of letters/one's homework/a plateful of ham 迅速干完一件工作/看完一堆信/完成作业/吃光一盘火腿;

→′polished adj擦亮的,磨光的;有教养的,优雅的;′polisher n磨光机;磨光工;

n (1) 1)磨(擦)光亮的表面(shiny surface etc produced by rubbing) [U a~]: the~of the furniture 家具的光泽;a table-top with a good/a wonderful~很光滑的桌面;(hot plate) will spoil the~on the table (热盘子)会把桌面的光泽烫坏;buff/rub the floor to a high~把地板打磨得相当光滑;〖同〗shine,smoothness,brightness; 2)擦拭,打磨 (act of polishing) [U a~]: give the floor/the glasses/the table top a good/thorough~仔细/彻底擦拭地板/眼镜/桌面; 3)擦拭(上光)剂 (substance used in polishing a surface) [U C]: furniture/floor/shoe~家具上光蜡/地板上光蜡/鞋油;a tin of metal~一盒金属上光剂;apply~to sth 在某物上使用上光剂;use brown~on these shoes 这双鞋要上棕色鞋油;〖同〗wax,oil;

(2)教(修)养,文(优)雅;精雕细琢 (fine quality of manners or elegance; refinement) [U](fig): a man of charm and~既有魅力又有教养的人;The mountain boy is rather rough. He lacks~. 那山里的孩子很粗野,缺少教养。Four years of college gave her considerable~. 四年的学院学习使她增加了不少修养。write/speak with~文章写得/话说得很优雅;〖同〗grace,culture,refinement,elegance,politeness





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