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单词 poison
poison/′pɔ ɪzn/ n & vt

n (1)毒药(物) (substance that causes death or serious illness if eaten drunk injected etc) [C U]: rat~灭鼠药;~for killing weeds 消灭杂草的毒药;kill oneself/commit suicide by taking~服毒自杀;Strychnine is a deadly~. 马钱子碱是剧毒药。These swans died of lead~. 这些天鹅死于铅中毒。~gas 毒气(尤指战争中所用者);

(2)(影响头脑的)邪念;有害的影响 (evil or unwanted influence on the mind) [C U]: Selfishness is a~that is spreading through society. 自私自利是散布在社会上的有害思想。Hate is a~for which there is no antidote. 仇恨是一剂毒药,无药可解。〖同〗 evil,harm;

(3)极难吃的食物 (extremely unpleasant food) [C U](infml)(derog): I'm not eating that~! 我不吃那难吃的东西!

→′poisonous adj 有毒的;在道德上有害的;恶毒的;′poisonously adv 有毒地;在道德上有害地;恶毒地;

vt (1) 1)用毒药毒害(死) (harm or kill sb/sth with poison) [T+n T+n+prep(with)]:~sb/an animal with arsenic 用砒霜毒死某人/动物;(children) be~ed by lead in the atmosphere (儿童)受到大气中铅的毒害;We can sometimes be~ed by bad food. 有时吃变质食品会使人中毒。2)在里面放上毒药;污染 (put poison into or onto sth; make dangerously impure) [T+n T+n+prep(with)]:~a river with harmful chemicals 在河里注入有害化学物质;try to~sb's dog's food 企图在某人的狗食中下毒;Industrial wastes/Gases from cars are~ing the atmosphere. 工业废物/汽车尾气正在污染大气。〖同〗pollute;

(2) 1)毒害(思想等);对产生不良影响 (influence (sb's mind behaviour etc) in a harmful or evil way) [T+n T+n+prep(with)]:~sb's mind with propaganda/ideas of hate and revenge 用宣传/憎恨和报复的观念来毒害某人的思想;allow evil thoughts to~one's mind 任邪恶的思想毒害自己的头脑; 2)破坏,伤害,玷污 (spoil or ruin sth) [T+n T+n+prep(with)]:Their friendship was~ed by distrust. 相互不信任破坏了他们的友谊。 a quarrel which~ed our friendship 伤害了我们之间友谊的一场争吵;an experience that~s sb's life 毁了某人一生的一次经历;

poison A's mind against B 使甲对乙产生恶感: The unhappy mother~ed the children's minds against their father. 那位不幸的母亲使孩子们对父亲产生恶感。

→′poisoned adj 受到感染的,发炎的;有毒的;′poisoner n 投毒杀人者;′poisoning n 放毒;中毒





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