townn. town of war: fortified town,stronghold设防城市,要塞。 △H. V. 2. 4. 7:“To line and new repair our townsof war,”去增援前方并且整修那些战略重镇的防务。 town’s end: outskirts of a town,especially the city gate (a favourite resort of beggars)市郊,(特指)市城门(乞丐常去之处)。 △1H. IV. 5. 3. 38 (36): “There’s notthree of my hundred and fifty left alive,and they arefor the town’s end,to beg during life. ”我那一百五十个人剩下活着的不到三个,他们也只好到城门口一辈子要饭了。 town[taun]n.城市,闹市,市镇,城镇 ◇ be in town 在城市里 go to town 上城里去 ‖ rural and township enterprises 乡镇企业 town council 镇议会 town councillor 镇议会议员 town economy 市镇经济 town hall 市政厅 town head 镇长 town house 市政厅 town inspector 市督学 town meeting 社民会议 Town Planner 城市规划师 town planning 城镇规划 Town Planning Board 城市规划委员会 town talk 街谈巷议,流言飞语 town twinning 友好城市 townee n.对农村生活不了解的城市人 townlet n. 小镇,小城镇 township n.小城市的居民,镇区 township enterprises 乡镇企业 township enterprise law乡镇企业法 township head 乡长 township industry 乡镇工业 township school 乡镇学校 township school administration 乡镇中学管理机构 village and township enterprises 乡镇企业 |