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单词 honour
honourAmE -nor/′ɒnə(r), AmE ′ɑ:nər/ n;v [-ing /rɪ ŋ/]

n (1)荣幸(privilege;source of pride)[U an~]:the seat of~at the head of the table 上座为荣;It is a great~to receive the award/have the Queen here today. 接受此类奖励/邀请女王来此是很大的荣幸。take sb's visit as a great~把某人的来访视为一种巨大的荣幸;have the~to present the governor 有幸引见州长;withdraw from the battle with~光荣地退出战斗;family~家庭中引为自豪之事; 〖反〗dishonour;

(2) 1)正义感,节操(good personal character;strong sense of what is morally right)[U]:a man of~一个有正义感的人;It was greatly to his~that he refused the reward. 主要是出于气节,他拒绝了这笔奖赏。 2)名(荣,信)誉(reputation for greatnesstruthfulness)[U]:The nation's~is at stake. 国家的名誉处于危险之中。fight for the~of one's country 为了国家的荣誉而战; commercial~of the firm公司的商业信誉;The~of the regiment must be protected.团的声誉必须得到保护。request the~of sb's presence 要求某人赏光出席;a matter of~荣誉问题;The visiting head of state was given the~of a twenty-one gun salute. 来访的国家元首受到鸣礼炮21响的欢迎。be worthy of the~对此荣誉当之无愧;be ecstatic over the~to sb 对给予某人的荣誉欣喜若狂;〖反〗dishonour;

(3)尊敬,敬意(great public respectgood opinionetc shown to sb)[U]:win~for one's courage/in one's fight against poverty/in the civil war 以其勇气/在与贫穷所作的斗争中/在内战中赢得了人们的尊敬;show~to one's parents/one's elders 对父母/长者充满敬意:hold in~the men who have fought for one's country对为了祖国而战的人们充满敬意;(sb) be held in great~in one's own country(某人)在自己的国家受到极大的尊敬;earn a position of~赢得了受尊敬的地位;stand in silence as a mark of~to sb 静静地站在那里表示对某人的尊敬;the guest of~尊敬的客人;guard of~仪仗队;〖反〗dishonour,disrespect;

(4)被引以为荣的人(事)(person or thing that causes great pridebring credit to sb)[Ua~][N (to)]:He is an~to his profession/his parents/his country. 他是同行们/父母/国家引以为荣的人。

(5)表示敬意的仪式,荣誉,徽(勋)章(titledegreeetc given to a person as a mark of respect for his servicesworkability etc)[C,通常pl]:receive many~s 得到许多勋章;refuse/wear all one's~s 拒绝所有的头衔/佩戴自己所有的勋章;be showered with~s 各种荣誉纷至沓来;be buried with full military~s 用隆重的军葬礼掩埋;take~s at the university 在那所大学获得各种头衔;Birthday/New year H~s (BrE) 国王(或女王)诞辰/元旦授予的勋章; political~s 政治上的头衔;

(6)高级课程(advanced course of study for superior students)[pl]:an~s degree course in English literature 英国文学高级学位课程;

(7)阁下(title of respect used when talking to or about judgesmayorsetc)[Csing]:Is there any evidence of this,Your H~?有这方面的证据吗,法官大人?

(8)(纸牌中)点数最高的牌(the four or five highest cards in trump or in all suitsesp in bridge)[C,尤pl]:hold five hearts to an~拿到五张红桃,其中有一张大牌;

(9)(高尔夫球)先打权((in golf) right of being first at the tee)[U]:It's my~.该我先打。

do sb honour 对……表示尊敬、致敬(fml):Your refusal to accept the stolen money does you~. 你拒收窃款令人尊敬。

do sb an honour;do sb the honour(of doing sth)(fml):给予……殊荣;使……感到荣幸:do sb a great~by attending 光临使某人深感荣幸;Will you do me the~of dancing with me?您能赏光和我跳个舞吗?

do the honours (infml)尽主人之谊,尽……的义务:The wine is over there-will you do the~s? 那儿的酒没有了,你来斟好吗?

have the honour (of sth)有……的殊荣(fml):have the~of sb's acquaintance/sb's company at dinner 有幸结识某人/与某人一同进餐;have the~of representing one's country at the Olympic Games有幸代表国家参加奥林匹克运动会;

(in) honour bound (to do sth)道义上必须做某事:feel/be(in)~bound to attend/to help sb/to do as one promised 觉得/(是)在道义上应该参加/帮助某人/兑现承诺;

in honour of sb/sth;in sb's/sth's honour出于对……的敬意:a ceremony in~of the killed in battle 纪念阵亡烈士的仪式;a reception in~of the visiting president 为欢迎来访总统而举办的招待会;a dance in~of sb's birthday 庆祝某人生日举办的舞会;

on one's honour (to do sth)出于道义(做某事):on one's~not to tell the secret/never to reveal what sb sees here出于道义不泄露这个秘密/决不泄露在这儿看到的情况;

on my honour 我发誓:On my~,I swear it true/I had nothing to do with it. 我发誓这是真实的/我与这件事毫不相干。

put sb on hisetc honour 使庄重地许诺做某事:put the boys on their~not to cheat 让孩子们庄严许诺不作弊;

vt (1)对……表示尊敬;给……荣誉(show great respect or honour to sb/sth; bring honour to)[T+nT+n+prep (with)]:~the Queen/the dead/one's father尊重女王/给予死者荣誉/尊重父亲;be~ed for sb's work with the mentally handicapped 因对弱智者所做的工作而得到荣誉;feel highly~ed by sb's trust 得到某人的信任感到很荣幸;Will you~me with a visit? 承蒙驾临,十分荣幸。be~ed by the Grand Cross 由大红十字会授予荣誉;~sb as a teacher 尊称某人为老师;I am~ed that you should agree to join us. 你同意和我们在一起,我感到荣幸。〖反〗dishonour,disrespect;

(2)承认并如期支付(accept and pay what one has promised to pay)[T+n]:~a bill/a draft/a check承兑票据/汇票/支票;(store/restaurant)~sb's credit card(商店/餐馆)接受信用卡;(government)~commitments(政府)承担应承担的义务;~one's agreement/one's contract by exchanging the damaged goods遵守协议/合同更换损坏的货物;

【辨异】honourhonesty两词均指最高的道德原则,表示没有欺骗行为。honour表示意识到在道德上认为是正确的或应该的事情,并且在行为上与这种意识保持严格的一致性,例如:a high sense of honour(高度的道德观念);honesty(正直)表示正直、诚实,没有欺骗或欺诈行为,尤用于商业交易中,例如:uncompromising honesty and trustworthiness(坚定的诚实和可信赖性)。





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