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单词 holiday
holiday/′hɒlədeɪ, AmE ′hɑ:l-, BrE also ′-di/ n & vi

n (1)节(假)日(time of rest from work;day fixed by law or custom on which there is a general stopping of work)[C]:Next Friday is a~. 下周五是假日。Christmas Day is a~in Christian countries. 圣诞节是基督教国家的节日。a~mood 有节日的心情;~clothes/attire 节日的服装/盛装; 〖反〗workday;

(2)假期(period in which one does not go to workschooletcand which is used for travelrecreation and rest)[C,常 pl](尤BrE)(AmE vacation):the school/summer/Christmas~s 学校假期/暑假/圣诞节假期;a skiing~滑雪假期;go to France for a~去法国度假;take/get/be entitled to two weeks' paid~a year 每年有/得到/享有两周带薪假期;give/have a pleasant~给予/度过一个愉快的假期;a~resort/brochure 度假胜地/指南;~camp 假期野营地;

on holiday/on one's holidays 在休(度)假:The typist is (away)/goes on~this week. 那位打字员本周要去休假。He is on his~s. 他正在度假。

→holiday-maker n 度假的人;

vi 度假(BrE)(spend a holiday)(尤BrE)(AmE vacation)[II+prepI+adv]:~in Spain/in the Bahamas/on the west coast 在西班牙/巴哈马群岛/西海岸度假;

【辨异】holiday vacation leave2均指暂时离开工作或职务一段时间。holiday在英美均指由于宗教上的节日或国家的节日而放的一日假;也指一年中按规定休假的一段时间,此时在AmE中用vacation(假期),如:In this job you get four weeks' holiday(BrE)/vacation(AmE)a year.(做这件工作一年你可以得到四周的休假。) vacation 在BrE中主要指大学或法院的假期,如:The library is closed during the college vacation.(图书馆在大学放假期间关门。)leave2(假)意指允许雇员由于某种特殊原因而缺勤,如:sick/compassionate/maternity leave(病/事/产假);leave2还指在国外的工作人员,(如士兵或外交官)离任休假,如:get home leave every year (得以每年回国休假)。





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