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单词 horror
horror/′hɒrə(r), AmE ′hɔ:-, ′hɑ:-/ n

n (1)恐怖,战栗(feeling of very great fearshock)[U]:wake/run/recoil in~惊醒/惊恐地跑/恐怖地向后退缩;shrink back/cry out/look at sb/hold up one's hands in~惊恐地向后退/喊叫起来/看着某人/举起手来;sit motionless with~恐怖地呆坐在那儿;have a look of~表情恐慌;give sb a thrill of~使某人感到一阵恐怖;(newspapers) be full of the~of the murders(报纸)满是有关谋杀的恐怖报道;To his~,he saw her being knocked down by a bus. 他惊恐地眼看她被大客车撞倒。~films/fiction/stories恐怖电影/小说/故事;

(2) 1)厌(憎)恶(feeling of extreme fear or dislike)[Ua~]:have a deep/absolute~of the war极度/绝对憎恶这场战争;know/express the~of cruelty知道/表达对残忍的憎恶; 2)恐惧的性质(horrifying nature)[U]:You can't appreciate the full~of life in the concentration camp. 你无法完全体会集中营生活的极度恐惧。

(3)引起恐怖(厌恶)的事物(sth that causes a feeling of extreme fear or dislike)[C]:The blue dress is a~.那身蓝衣服是令人厌恶的东西。Rock climbing has no~s for me. 攀岩运动我一点也不畏惧。

(4)搞恶作剧(令人讨厌)的人(unpleasant or mischievous personesp a naughty child)[C](infml): a right/real little~一个名符其实/真正的小淘气儿;an absolute little~ 一个纯粹的小淘气鬼;

(5)极其沮丧,恐惧(state of extreme fearworryor sadness)[plthes](infml):give sb/have the~s 使某人/心中极度恐慌;

→′horror-stricken,′horror-struck adj 恐怖的,受惊吓的;′horrible adj 可怕的;horried adj 恐惧的;horrific adj 令人恐惧的;可怕的;′horrify vt 使恐怖,使震惊;′horrifying adj 触目惊心的;使人震惊的;′horrifyingly adv触目惊心地;使人震惊地;′horrors interj (usu joc) 用于表示恐惧或厌恶;






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