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单词 hour
hour/′ɑʊ ə(r)/ n

(1)小时(sixty minutes)[C]:half an~半小时;in an~'s time一小时之后;a ten~s'/ten-~ journey 一次10小时的旅行;take a half-/quarter-~break休息半小时/15分钟;work twelve~s a week/a day每周/天工作12小时;a boat for 50P an~租一条船一小时50便士;hire a horse/be paid by the~按小时租马/挣钱;

(2) 1)……点钟(time of day when a new hour starts)[C]:(clock) strike the~s(钟)整点报时;arrive on the~整点时到达; 2)(24小时计时制的)……点钟(used when calculating time according to 24-hour clock)[pl]:begin at sixteen hundred~s 在16点开始;It's twenty-three thirty~s. 现在是23点30分。

(3)工作或做其他事情的固定时间(fixed point or period of timeesp one that is set aside for a particular purpose or activity)[pl]:office/off-duty/hospital's visiting~s办公/下班/医院探视时间;

(4)(一段)时间(period of time at which sth is done)[C,通常sing]:The~for the bombardment was between 13:00 and 14:00. 炮击在13点和14点之间。a long lunch/dinner~很长的午/晚餐时间;in the rush-~在交通高峰时间;The~has come for us to have a serious talk.我们该严肃地谈一谈了。

(5)某一时刻(point in time)[C]:meet/come at the appointed/agreed~在指/商定的时间见面/来;ring sb at this late~在这么晚的时间给某人打电话;At what~did you tell them to come?你告诉他们什么时间来?

(6)一小时的行程(distance normally covered in an hour's travelling)[C]:Paris is only four~s away.巴黎离这里只有四小时的路程。live about an~from the city住在距市区大约一小时路程的地方;

(7)重要的时间;目前,现在(important period or moment;the present time)[C,通常sing]:help sb in the~of need/danger/temptation在需要/危险/受诱惑时帮助某人;in a good/evil~在幸运/不幸的时刻;the man/teenage idol/burning questions of the~当今的人类/现在青少年的偶像/当前最重要的问题;the country's finest~乡村最好的时间;My~has come.我的重要时刻(要事或死期)来了。

after hours下班后:The store was cleaned and swept out after~s.下班后商店被清扫一番。

at/till all hours在/到任何时候,无时无刻:stay out till all~s 在外面待到很晚;They disturb me at all~s of the day or/and night.他们不分白天黑夜随意打扰我。

at the eleventh hour在最后时刻,在危急之时:The visit was called off at the eleventh~.访问在最后的时刻被取消。

on the hour在某一正点:arrive/take one's pill/broadcast news on the~在正点时到达/吃药/广播新闻;

keep early/good/late/bad/regular hours早/早/晚/不定时/定时睡:He keeps late~s and gets very little sleep.他睡得很晚,睡得极少。





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