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单词 hole
hole/hə ʊl, AmE hoʊl/ n;v [-d,-d/d/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

n (1) 1)洞,孔,坑(hollow space in sth solid(but which does not go through to the other side of it))[C]:dig/leave a deep/big~in the road 在路上挖/留下一个很深/大的坑;a~in a tooth 一颗牙上的一个洞;fill~s 填补洞; 2)孔眼,破洞,开口(gapopening through sth)[C]:The thief got into the house through a~in the wall. 小偷钻过墙上的洞进入房子。He tried to mend the~s in his socks. 他试图补袜子上的洞。wear socks with~s in them 穿破袜子;The door is full of~s. 门上尽是洞。a~in the heart 心脏瓣膜闭锁不全;〖同〗opening,gap;

(2) 1)(动物的)洞穴(hollow space in the ground in which some kinds of animals live)[C]:a mouse/rabbit~鼠/兔洞;a fox's~狐穴; 2)狭小,阴暗,肮脏的地方(或房间)(small unpleasant place)[C,通常sing ](fig)(infml):(town/room) be a bit of a~(城镇/房间)有点像……; The house is a dreadful~. 这房子简直是狗窝。live in the awful~住在这个可怕的蜗居里;spend one's last years in a~of a room 在一间狭小脏乱的房间里度过自己的最后几年;a~in the wall(一排楼房中的简陋、肮脏的)小商店(咖啡馆);

(3)窘(困)境(position of difficulty;awkward or difficult situation)[Csing](infml):(one's resignation) put one in a bit of a~(辞职)使自己有点困难;(having lost one's money)put one in a devil of a~(丢了钱)处境很困难;find oneself/be in a bit of a~发现自己处在有点难堪的境地;

(4)漏洞,缺陷(点)(fault or flaw)[C]:pick/find/discover several/many~s in sb's argument/reasoning 在某人的论点/推理中/挑出/找到/发现几处/许多漏洞;

(5) 1)球穴(洞)((in golf) one of nine or eighteen small holes in the ground into which one tries to hit a golfball)[C]:The next~is 450 yards long. 下一个球穴有450码远。Golf courses have either nine or eighteen~s. 高尔夫球场或者是九个球穴,或者是18个球穴。a nine-~golf-course 一个九穴的高尔夫球场; an eighteen-~golf-course 一个18穴的高尔夫球场; 2)高尔夫球得分((in golf) point scored by hitting a golf ball into a hole using fewer strokes than one's opponent)[C]:win by two~s 赢两个球穴;win the first~在第一穴时领先;play only nine~s 只打九个穴;

make a hole in sth (infml)大量耗费:Buying a car made a big~in his savings. 买一部汽车花掉了他一大笔储蓄。

→hole-and-corner adj 偷偷摸摸的;

v (1)凿洞,在……上穿洞(make hole(s)in sth)[T+n]:~the earth along the road for telephone posts 沿路挖坑埋设电话线杆;(iceberg)~a ship(冰山)将一只船撞个洞;

(2)(使高尔夫球)打入穴(hit (cause the ball to) into a hole)[II+adv(out),T+n]:~(out) in one from forty yards 只一击就将球从40码处击入穴;~the ball in four 击四下将球击入穴;

hole up/be holed up(v adv)藏,躲避(vi;vt pass)(sl,尤 AmE):The robber (was)~d up in a disused factory. 那抢劫犯躲藏在一家废弃的工厂里。





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