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单词 honest
honest/′ɒnɪst, AmE ′ɑ:n-/ adj & adv

adj (1) 1)诚(老)实的((of a person) acting in a good and fair way;not telling lies;not cheating or stealing):be an~man 做诚实的人;be absolutely~是绝对诚实的;〖反〗dishonest; 2)坦率(真诚,直率)的((of a statement) open and direct;not hiding facts; frank):What he said was quite~.他的话十分坦诚。be perfect/quite~in telling sb the story 十分诚实地告诉某人这件事;give sb an~opinion/answer/critique 对某人直率地发表意见/给予答复/进行评论;Please be~!请说实话!〖同〗open,frank; 3)(行为,外表)诚实的((of actionsappearanceetc) showing or resulting from such qualities):look~看上去很诚实;have an~face/look 有着诚实的面孔/表情;be~in money matters 在钱的问题上是诚实的;install a scale with~weights 安装一个计量无欺的称;~dealings诚实的交易;

(2)用正当的手段获得的(gained fairly):earn/make an~living正当地谋生;~wealth/wages光明正大得到的财富/工资;earn/turn an~penny以正当的手段挣钱;

honest to God/goodness 实在地:H~to goodness,we saw the president. 对天发誓,我们看见了总统。

to be (quite)~(about it/with you)(用于强调说话的直率):To be~,what I said is based on facts. 说实话,我说的话都是有事实根据的。

→′honestly adv公正地,的确(用于表示不赞成和不耐烦);′honest-to-′goodness adj真实的,坦率的;

adv 实在地(used to stress the truth of what a person is saying):I didn't eat that cake,Mummy,~(I didn't). 妈,我没吃那块蛋糕,我发誓(我没吃)。





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