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单词 home
home/hə ʊm, AmE hoʊm/ n & adj; adv [无comp]; vi

n (1) 1)家 (庭) (place where one and/or one's family usually live(s) in)[CU]:make one's~in Devon/the country 在德文郡/乡下安家;leave~at the age of fifteen 15岁离家;return to one's~回家;have no~没有家;have a keen desire for a really comfortable~强烈渴望有一个真正舒适的家庭;stay at~待在家里;visit sb in his~ 到家拜访某人;one's~address 家庭地址; 2)住所,房子(flat;house)[C]:“Attractive Modern~s For Sale”“出售迷人的现代房屋”;have a beautiful/charming~in London 在伦敦有一所漂亮/迷人的住宅;buy a retirement~in Florida 在佛罗里达买一所退休后住的房子;~buyers/owners 买住宅的人们/住宅的主人们;a~improvement grant 住房装修补助金;〖同〗 residence; 3)存放物品的地方(place where objects are stored)[C](infml):have to find a~for all these dictionaries 得找个地方放这些词典;Has this pan got a~?这个锅有地方放吗?
 (2)家(故)乡(place where one was born or habitually lives)[CU]:look on the city as one's~/make the city one's~把这城市视为/当成自己的家乡;live a long way from~居住在远离家乡的地方;My~is Washington. 我的家乡是华盛顿。
 (3) 1)疗养(收容)所;养育院(place where children without parentsold peoplepeople who are illetc live and are looked after)[C]:a children's~儿童之家; an orphans'/old people's~ 孤儿院/养老院;a nursing/materinity/mental~疗养所/产院/精神病医院;an infant~ 育婴堂;a~for the blind/the elderly 盲人院/敬老院; 2)招待所(place where people stay while they are working)[C]:a nurse's/sailor's~护士/海员之家;
 (4) 1)栖息(生,息)地(place where a plant or an animal can be found living or growing wildesp in large numbers)[C]:Africa (India) is the~of elephants. 非洲(印度)是大象的产地。tiger's~老虎的生长地;〖同〗habitation; 2)发祥(源)地(place where sth was originally discoveredmade or developed)[C]:The U. S. is the~of country-and-western music/Jazz/beseball. 美国是乡村西部音乐/爵士乐/棒球的发祥地。
 at home 1)在家里:leave sth at~把某物忘在家里; 2)无拘束,自在:Make yourself at~!请别拘束! make sb feel very much at~让某人感到很自在; 3)(指足球赛)在本地或本队球场举行的:The team is playing at~this Saturday. 该队本周六在主场比赛。4)期望并准备会客:She is not at~to visitors today. 今天她不愿会见来访者。
 at home in sth 熟练自如,驾轻就熟:be completely at~in arts 对艺术非常精通;
 close/near to home 触到心中要害(心事):When John made fun of Bob's way of walking he struck close to~. 约翰取笑鲍勃走路的姿势刺伤了鲍勃的自尊。
 a home from home 像家一样安适和自在的地方:find the hotel a true~from~觉得那旅馆真是一个舒适的地方;
 a home truth 使人难堪(不愉快)的事实:Here are some~truths about yourself. 尽管你可能不爱听,但这却是关于你的真实情况。
 →′homeless adj 无家可归的;′homelessness n 无家可归;′homeward adj 往家(家乡,祖国)的(地);′homewards adv 往家(祖国);′homebrewed adj 家酿的;′home-cured adj(指食物,尤指咸肉)烟熏的;盐腌的;′home-grown adj 本国(地)产的,土生的;′homeland n 祖国;homely adj 平常的;使人感到舒适的;相貌平平的;′home-made adj 家里做的;′homesick adj 想家的、患怀乡病的;′homesickness n 思家,(怀乡)病,′homespun adj 家乡(制)的;简朴的,朴实的;n 土(家,织)布;′homestead n 家宅,宅基; 国家分给定居者开垦的土地;′homesteader n 有宅地的人;分得土地而定居的移民;′homework n 家庭(课外)作业;(讨论等之前的)准备工作;
 adj (1) 1)家庭的(of a person's home)[作 attrib]:~comforts 家中的舒适条件;a happy~life幸福的家庭生活;~economics家政学;~help家务女佣; 2)家做(造)的(prepareddone or produced at home)[作attrib]:~cooking/movies 家常菜/家庭自拍电影:~baked bread 家里烤的面包;
 (2)国内的,本国(地)的(of or referring to one's own countrynot foreign;domestic)[作attrib]:~industries/news/affairs 国内工业/新闻/事务;the~country/market 祖国/国内市场;the H~Office 内政部;
 (3)在本地(主方)场地举行的,主场的(playing or happening in a home area)[作attrib]:a~match/win/defeat 主场举行的比赛/在主场比赛中获胜/在主场比赛中败北;~games 在主方场地进行的比赛;the~team 东道主队;play in front of one's~crowd 在本地观众面前比赛;
 adv (1)在(向,到)家(家乡,国内)(toin or at one's home or country):go/return(AmE)/stay/get/arrive/leave~回/归/留在/到/到/离家;accompany/drive sb~陪同/开车送某人回家;be on one's way~在回家的路上;prepare for a trip~准备上路回家;draft a cable~草拟一份给家里的电报;Here we are~at last. 我们终于回到家了。H~,James ! 詹姆斯,回家去!
 (2)正中要害,深入地(completely to the pointplacepositionetc a thing is intended to be):drive/strike/hit/hammer a nail~with two blows 用两下就把钉子深深敲/打/打/锤进去;
 bring sth home to sb 使明了(认清):His remarks brought~to me the fact that I had never really understood what was going on. 他的话使我彻底明白,我从来没有真正理解正在发生的事情。
 come home (to sb)(非常痛切地)彻底明白:It has just come~to me that they've been tricking us all the time. 我彻底明白了他们一直在欺骗我们。
 hit/strike home(指评论)击中要害:(sb's sarcastic comments/remarks)hit/strike~(某人讽刺的评论/话)击中要害;
 →′home-coming n 回家,还乡,归国;
 vi (鸽子等)飞回家,归巢((of birds such as pigeons) find one's way to the starting place)[I]:The pigeon~d from a distance of 100 miles. 鸽子从100英里外飞回家。
 home in (on)(v adv)指(朝)向……(vt):(pilot)~in by means of radar(飞行员)靠雷达飞回(基地);(torpedo)~in on the target with pinpoint accuracy(鱼雷)精确地向目标奔去;





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