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单词 hold
hold/hə ʊld, AmE hoʊld/ vheld,held/held/]; n

v (1)拿(握,抓来)住(keep or support using the hands or arms(or another part of the body))[T+nT+n+prep]:~the baby/parcel tightly 紧紧抱着孩子/抓着包裹;~sb by the sleeve/the arm 抓住某人的衣袖/胳臂;~a pile of books in one's arms 抱着一摞书;~a rope in one's teeth 用牙咬住绳子;~a paintbrush between one's teeth 用牙叼住画笔;~a dish in/with two hands 用双手拿起盘子;~a postage stamp with tweezers 用镊子夹起邮票;
 (2) 1)托住,支承(be able to bear the weight of (sth/sbsupport)[T+n]:You're too heavy and that branch won't~your weight.你太重了,那树枝承受不住你的重量。The rope will~you. 这根绳子能承受住你的重量。2)阻止;控制(restrain or control sth/sb)[I]: (police)~a thief(警察)抓住小偷;(dam)~the flood water(大坝)控制住洪水;The knot held for a few moments and then came apart. 绳结撑了一阵儿,然后开了。~one's temper/one's breath 控制脾气/屏息;
 (3)使保持某种状态(位置)(put or keep oneself or a part of the bodysb/sth in a particular position or condition)[T+n+advT+n+prepC+n+adj]:~one's head up/straight/high 昂起头/把头抬直/趾高气扬;~out one's cup for more tea 递过杯子再要些茶;~a shelf in place 把架子放稳;~a match to sb's cigarette用火柴给某人点烟;~a door closed 让门关着;~oneself still/sb silent 让自己保持平静/让某人安静下来;
 (4) 1)保持稳固(位置不变)(remain in positionesp in spite of pressureweightetc)[I]:The anchor/shelf held.锚/架子纹丝不动。The line held.防线牢固。2)持续,保持(remain in the same state and not change;last)[I]:Fine warm weather held for our holiday. 假期中天气一直温暖晴朗。If our luck~s, we'll win the competition. 如果我们始终运气好的话,我们就会赢得这场比赛。3)仍然有效(适应)(continue to be valid or apply)[I]:My words still~. 我的话仍然有效。The offers/The rules still~.这些报价/规则仍然有效。
 (5)不打滑,走得稳((of the wheels of a caretc) maintain a grip of (a cornerroadetc))[T+n]: The car~s the road well. 汽车在路上走得很稳。
 (6)容纳,装得下;包含((be able to) containhave (an amount or quantity) inside)[T+n]:The filing cabinet can~all the paper. 档案柜可装下所有的文件。How much water does the pan~?这个平底锅能盛多少水?~the sum in one's head 把数记在脑子里;Life~s many surprises.(fig)人生有许多意想不到之事。I wonder what the future~s for me?(fig)我不知道未来会对我怎样。〖同〗contain,accommodate,include;
 (7)坚守,保卫(留)(defend one's position against attack;keep in control or in one's possession)[T+n]:~a fort/a castle against the enemy 坚守保垒/城堡,抵御敌人;~one's seat/one's tickets until tomorrow 座位/票保留到明天;
 (8)扣(拘)留,监禁(keep sb under one's control;not allow sb to leaveescapeetc)[T+nC+n+n]:~the two men in connection with the bank robbery拘留与抢劫银行有关的两个人;The hostages were held captive for two months. 这些人质被囚禁两个月。The terrorists held the man hostage/prisoner.恐怖分子将那人囚禁起来作人质/囚犯。〖反〗release,free;
 (9)拥有(财产,股票)(have or possess(sthesp shares in a company))[T+n,不用prog]:~shares in the company 在这家公司中拥有股份;~estates/land/title 拥有不动产/土地/所有权;~rights to hunt on the land 有在这块土地上狩猎的权利;
 (10)任职,占据(have or be in an official position jobetc;have the ownership or use of;occupy)[T+n,不用prog]:~the office of director/the post of Prime Minister/the position of company secretary 担任董事/首相/公司秘书的职务;~a job for two years干一项工作两年了;
 (11)保持,赢得(have or gain through merit)[T+n]:~the world record for the long jump保持跳远的世界记录;
 (12)保持住……(的注意力或兴趣)(keep the interest or attention of sb)[T+n]:The teacher can't~his pupils' attention. 老师无法吸引学生的注意力。His singing held the audience. 他的演唱吸引了观众。
 (13)持(怀)有(见解,信仰,意见)(have or express (a beliefopinion or viewetc)) [T+n,不用prog]:~such views of life/some strange ideas 对生活持有如此的观点/有一些古怪的想法;~the belief that the plan cannot work 坚持认为这个计划无法实行;
 (14)认为,相信(consider;believe;judge)[C+n+adjC+n+to-infT+that](fml):We held her best of all the applicants. 我们认为她是所有申请人中最好的。He~s me responsible for everyone's mistakes. 他认为我应该对每个人的错误承担责任。~the truths to be self-evident 认为这些真理是不言而喻的;~sb to be a fool 认为某人是个傻瓜;~that this was the right decision 相信这是正确的决定;〖同〗consider,believe;〖反〗deny;
 (15)举行,召开(cause to take place;make happen)[T+n]:~an election for president of the society 为协会主席一职举行选举;~a meeting/a party/a motor show 召开会议/举办晚会/举办汽车展览;〖反〗cancel;
 (16) 1)(船只,飞机)循(特定方向)航行((of a ship or aircraft) continue to follow(a direction))[T+n]:(ship)~a south-easterly course(船只)继续沿东南方向行驶;The plane held its course.这架飞机沿着航线飞行。2)持续唱(某音符)(continue to sing (a music note))[T+n]:~a high note 持续唱一个高音;~the note for four whole beats 把这个音唱满四拍;
 (17)等(受话人)讲话(wait while the person one is calling comes to the telephone finishes what he is doingetc)[IT+n]:Mr Brown's extension is engaged at the moment. Will you~(the line)?布朗先生的分机眼下正占线,请稍等,不要挂断好吗?
 hold good 仍然适用: The principle still~s good. 这条原则仍然适用。
 hold it 等待;不要动(infml):H~it! We can't go in yet as I can't find my keys.等一等,我们还进不去,因为我找不到钥匙。
 there is no holding sb 无法阻挡……(做):She was so determined and high-spirited that there seemed to be no~ing her.她决心很大,兴致颇高,什么也不能阻止她(做这事)。
 hold one's own 坚持(支撑)住:He is a skilled debater,and can~his own against any opponent.他辩论技巧谙练,能够顶住任何对手。
 hold the fort(在别人不在时)照料一切:Jennie had to~the fort while her mother was in hospital.妈妈住院时,珍妮不得不料理家务。
 hold water 合理,可信,站得住脚:Your argument doesn't~water. 你的理由不成立。
 hold sth against sb以……为根据而形成对某人不利的看法(infml):~the boy's past bad behaviour/the boy's foolish remarks against him由于这个男孩子过去的坏行为/愚蠢的话而产生对他不利的看法;
 hold back (v adv) 1)因害怕或不愿意而踌躇(犹豫)(vi):~back not knowing how to break the terrible news 因不知如何开口说出这可怕的消息而踌躇;~back from asking the favour of sb 对求某人帮忙犹豫不定; 2)阻止(……的)进步(发展)(vt):His lack of training is~ing him back.由于他缺乏训练阻碍了他的进步。3)(vt)挡住:The dam held back the flooding river. 水坝阻挡住泛滥的河水。4)不公布,扣住,保留(vt):~back the truth 隐瞒真相;The research findings were held back.没有公布研究的结果。5)不流露感情(眼泪等)克制住(vt):~back one's anger/tears/emotions/laughter克制住自己的愤怒/眼泪/感情/笑声;
 hold down (v adv) 1)压制,镇压(vt):~down the people/a good man 镇压人民/压制好人; 2)压低(物价等),缩减(vt):~down expenditure/prices/costs/the rate of interest 缩减开支/降低价格/降低成本/降低利率; 3)保持住(工作等):manage to~down a job for more than a few weeks 设法保住一份工作多干几周;
 hold forth (v adv)滔滔地讲(vi):~forth at great length on the subject/about how one would run the economy 长时间滔滔不绝地谈论这个题目/关于自己怎样管理经济的问题;
 hold in (v adv) 抑(控)制(vt):~in one's feelings/one's temper/one's anger/one's laughter 控制感情/脾气/愤怒/笑声;
 hold off (v adv) 1)(雨,暴风雨等)未发生,拖延(vi): The rain/frost held off. 未下雨/没发生霜冻。2)约束自己不做(尤指攻击别人):~off for the duration of the cease-fire 在停火期间不发动进攻; 3)阻挡(止)(vt):~off the superior enemy attacks 抵抗装备精良的敌人的进攻; 4)延迟(vt):~off one's decision 推迟作出决定;~off applying for a passport 推迟申请护照;
 hold on (v adv) 1)等,停(vi)(infml)(常用imper):H~on (for) a moment! 等一会儿! 2)坚持度过难关(险境):~on for another week or so 再坚持一周左右;~on to the end 坚持到最后; 3)固定住(vt):Nuts and bolts~the wheels on.螺母和螺栓将轮子固定。
 hold on (to)(v adv) 1)抓住……不放(vi):~on to sb/a rock to stop oneself from slipping 抓住某人/一块石头以防滑下去;
 hold on to(v adv prep)不给(卖),保存(留)(vt)(infml):~on to one's shares/one's lovely house 保留自己的股份/可爱的房子(不卖);
 hold out (v adv) 1)延续,维持(vi):The food supplies/engines will~out. 食品供给还将继续/发动机还将继续工作。2)抵抗(御)(vi):The soldiers held out for two weeks. 士兵们坚持了两周。3)给予,提供(vt):~out a dress for sb to try on 拿出一件衣服让某人试穿;~out many fine promises 作出许多美好的许诺;
 hold out for (v adv prep)故意拖延……以达到目的(vi)(infml):The strikers are~ing out for a big increase in their wages.罢工者们正在故意拖延以求实现大幅度增加工资。
 hold out on (v adv prep)拒绝向某人提供信息(vt)(infml):He says he knows nothing about it, but I think he's~ing out on us. 他说他对此事一无所知,但我想他在瞒着我们。
 hold over (v adv)拖延;延期(vt)(通常pass):~the matter/discussion over 拖延此事/讨论;
 hold to (v prep)坚持(原则,意见);忠实于(vt):~to one's original opinion 坚持自己最初的意见;
 hold together (v adv) 1)保持完整(vi):The car's bodywork hardly~s together.汽车几乎要散架了。2) 使团结一致(vt):Friendship~s a marriage together. 友谊使婚姻牢固。
 hold up (v adv) 1)提出……作为典范(vt):What do you~up to the children as being desirable goals? 你提出什么作为孩子们的理想目标呢?2)阻塞,使停滞(vt):(flight/car) be held up by fog(航班/汽车)因雾停开; 3)抢(拦)劫(vt):The bandits held up a bank/a passenger.歹徒抢劫银行/拦劫乘客。
 hold with(v prep)同意,赞成(vt):(用于neg 和interr):I don't~with his views on economy. 我不同意他对经济的看法。
 →′hold-up n 阻塞,耽搁;持械抢劫;′holding n占(所)有物;′holder n持有者,所有者;支撑物,容器;租入的土地;
 n (1) 1)拿(握、抓、夹)(act of holding sth/sb;grasp;grip)[Ua~]:resume/lost one's firm~on/of the rope又紧紧抓住/没抓住绳子;dog's~on a stick狗死咬住棍子;〖同〗grasp,grip; 2)(拳击,摔跤中的)擒拿法(manner of holding sb)[C]:a wrist~掰腕子;wrestling~s 擒拿术;
 (2)影响(influence)[Csing][N(on/over)]:(idea/habit/sb) exert/have/get a~on man's imagination (思想/习惯/某人)对人的想象产生影响;have a tremendous~over sb 对某人有极大的影响;〖同〗influence;
 (3) 1)控制,掌握(power or control over sth/sb)[Csing] [N (on)]: keep/tighten one's~on the company 保持/加强对这个公司的控制;(legal documents) give the present owner a legitimate~on the property(法律文件)使现主人对此财产有合法的占有权;〖同〗control,power; 2)握力(forceful closing of the hand)[Csing]:The big man has got a strong~;he can break a glass.这个大个子握力很强,他可以捏碎玻璃杯。
 catch/get/grab/seize/takeetc hold of sth/sb 抓(握,拿)住:take~of sb's hand/a stick 握住某人的手/棍子;catch~of the rope 抓住这根绳子;(anger/music) take~of sb(愤怒/音乐)控制了某人;
 get hold of sb/sth 1)找来使用,获得(infml):get~of a car 弄到一部汽车;get~of the idea 得到这种想法; 2)与某人联系;寻找某人;get~of sb by phone用电话找到某人;
 【辨异】 1)holdhaveoccupyownpossess的区别见HAVE。2)holdcontainaccommodate的区别见CONTAIN。





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