释义 |
discordn. 1.dissension,quarrel不和,争吵。 discord in the spheres: the discord in the music of thespheres or planets. According to the classical astrono-my,the earth was the centre of the universe,and theseven planets (the Moon,Mercury,Venus,the Sun,Mars,Jupiter,and Saturn),in their revolving aboutthe earth,each emitted a different musical sound (in-audible to human ears),all together producing a heav-enly harmony,known as the “music of the spheres.”天体音乐的不和谐。据古希腊罗马的天文学说,地球为宇宙的中心,七个星球(月亮、水星、金星、太阳、火星、木星、土星)在围绕地球旋转时,各自发出一种乐曲(人的耳朵无法听见),共同合为一种和谐的天上音乐,即“天体的音乐”。 △As.2.7.5:“If he,compact of jars,grow musical,/We shall have short-ly discord in the spheres.”以他那样充满不和谐(好争辩)的人,居然变得爱好起音乐来,那么不久天体旋转时也要奏出不和谐的调子来了。 private discord: personal quarrel 个人不和。 △1H.Ⅵ.4.4.22:“Let not your privat e discord keep away/The levied succours that should lend him aid.”请不要因为你们的个人争执而扣留住应该驰援他的已经征集的援军。 2. uproarious noise喧闹声,嘈杂声. △Mid.4.1.124(118): “So musical a discord,such sweet thunder.”那样悦耳的喧闹,那样美妙的雷鸣。 discord[ˈdiskɔ:d]n.不一致,不协调,不和谐[disˈkɔ:d]v.不一致,不协调,失谐,不和,争论,冲突 ‖ discordance n.discordant adj. discordant pair不同大小数对 discordantly adv.不和谐地,不一致地 |