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discovervt. 1. reveal,show,tell,explain透露,表明,说出,说明。 △Gent.3.1.4: “That which I would discover / The law of friendship bids me to conceal,”我所要宣示的正是朋友之道所要我隐瞒的。 △Gent.3.2.77(76):“That maydiscover such integrity.” 它们可以表示出你的忠诚 △Com.5.1.203:“Discover how,and thou shalt findme just.”说出事实经过,我自会公平处理。 △Wiv.2.2.194(183):“I shall discover a thing to you,”我要向你宣布一件事情。 △Ado.1.2.12 (11): “The Prince discoveredto Claudio that he loved my niece your daughter,”王爷对克劳狄欧说他爱上了我的侄女、你的女儿。 △Ado.3.2.96(93):“If there be any impediment,I pray you discov-er it.”如果有什么阻碍,请你明白讲出来。 △Rom.3.1.148(142):“O noble Prince,I can discover all”,i.e. revealeverything. 啊,尊贵的亲王,我可以完全向您说明。 △1H.VI.5. 4. 60:“Then,Joan,discover thine infirmity,”那么,贞德,说出你的弱点吧。 2. unfold,disclose,make known 展示,揭示,显示。 △Tw.2.5.176(160): “Daylight and champian dis-covers not more.”白昼和平原所显示的也不能比这再明白了。 △Mer.2.7.1: “Go,draw aside the curtains anddiscover / The several caskets to this noble prince.”去,把帐幔拉开,让那几只匣子展现在这位尊贵的亲王面前。 △Ado.2.3.116(104): “There was never counterfeitof passion came so near the life of passion as she dis-covers it.”从来没有什么假装出来的热情像她表现出来的那样酷似真正的热情。 △1H.VI.2.5.59: “Discover more atlarge what cause that was,”请更详细地透露一下那究竟是什么原因。 △Oth.1.1.179(178):“I think I can discov-er him,” i.e.I can reveal where he is. 我想我可以找到他的踪迹。 △R.III.4.4.240:“What good is covered withthe face of heaven,/ To be discovered,that can do me good?”难道还会有什么好处被上天隐藏,一旦揭示出来,就会对我有利吗? 3. uncover,expose,divulge揭露,揭穿,泄露。 △Gent.2.1.175(167):“some messenger,that might her minddiscover,”送信的人,会揭穿她内心的隐秘。 △Rom.2.2.106:“Which (i.e. yielding) the dark night hath sodiscovered.”黑夜泄露了我的爱情。 △Lr.2.1.67(65):“with curst speech / I threatened to discover him;”我用严厉的言词威吓说要揭发他。 4. find out by exploration 发现。 △Gent.1.3.9:“Some to discover islands far away;”有的到远方去发现海岛。 5. espy,spy out,reconnoitre窥见,查出,侦察。 △Com.1.1.91. “The seas waxed calm,and we discoveredTwo ships from far making amain to us:”海面上平静了,我们窥见两条船从远处向我们急速开来。 discover[disˈkʌvə]v.发现,发觉,认识到,显示,揭露 ◇ discover sb. doing sth.发现(沉)…在干 ‖ discover check闪将 discovered attack闪击 discovered check闪将 discovered n.幕启时出现在舞台上的人 discoverable adj. discoverer n.发现者 discovery n.发现,要求告知,发现独创手法 discovery complex发现情结 discovery context发现的背景 discovery learning探索学习 discovery method发现法 discovery of documents提供证件清单 discovery procedure发现程序 discovery ship探险船 discovery teaching探索式教学 |