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slacka. remiss,backward,not eager,neglectful 懈怠的,落后的,不热心的,疏忽的。 △1H.VI.1.1.99: “Bed-ford,if thou be slack,I’ll fight it out.”贝德福,如果你懈懈怠怠的,我就去打这一仗。 △ 2H.VI.1.2.66: “And,be-ing (i.e.since I am) a woman,I will not be slack/To play my part in Fortune’s pageant.”既然身为女人,在命运之神的壮丽演出中我也不会懈怠。 △ R.III.1.4. 285(275): “By heavens,the Duke shall know how slackyou have been!”老天在上,我要让公爵知道你是多么不卖力!come slack of: be remiss in (duty),fall short of (induteousness) 对(职守)玩忽,(在顺从方面)有所不足。 △Lr.1.3.10 (9):“If you come slack of former services,/You shall do well;”i.e.If you are less duteous to him than formerly,etc. 假若你不如以前那样对他恭敬从命,那倒也好。
slackvt. 1. be remiss in,be negligent toward,be neglectful of,be inattentive in one's duties to对…玩忽,对…疏忽大意,对…怠慢,在对待…方面玩忽职守。 △Lr.2.4.248 (245):“If then they chanced to slack ye,/ We could controlthem.”如果他们怠慢了你,我们可以责备他们。 △Oth.4.3.90 (87): “Say that they slack their duties(i.e. sexualduties as husbands),”要是他们疏忽了他们的责任(又译:不尽为夫之道)。 2. retard,delay延迟,耽搁。 △Wiv.3.4.115 (110):“What a beast am I to slack it!”该死,我怎么还在这里磨磨蹭蹭! △Rom.4.1.3:“And I am nothing slow to(=so as to) slack his haste.”i.e. I am in no way at all toretard his hastiness by my own sluggardliness: I amnot cager to check his hasty preparations. 他这样性急,我也丝毫不想把时间延迟下去。 slack[skæk]adj.松弛的,不景气的n.萧条期(pl.)裤子,宽松的裤子 v.扣引扳机,马虎从事,松懈,松弛 ‖ causal slacks便裤 slack business萧条的生意 slack farming农闲时节 slack money market银根松弛市场 slack of finance银根松弛 slack period平潮期,萧条期 slack season淡季 slack suit便装 slacken v.slacken the sail松帆 |