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单词 busy
busy/′bɪzi/ adj [-yier/-yiest]; vt [-yies /z/; -yied,-yied /d/]

adj (1) 忙(碌)的 (having a lot to do; actively engaged in; not free) [A(at/with), A+-ing]:be~at/with one's homework/one's lessons/some important work忙于做功课/做功课/做某件重要的工作; What have you been~about today? 你今天都在忙些什么? be~writing/packing/typing忙于写东西/打点行装/打字;You'd better get~.你最好动起来(开始做事情)。 be too~to see visitors太忙不能见客;~people/officials忙碌的人们/官员;〖同〗 occupied,engaged; employed; 〖反〗idle,unoccupied,unemployed;

(2) 繁忙的,热闹的(full of work activity or people):a~day/morning/life/season忙碌的一天/上午/一生/季节;a~time of year忙碌的时节; have a~day's work干了一天;a~street/river/office车水马龙的街道/船只来往穿梭的河流/忙碌的办公室;a~town/station/market place热闹的城镇/车站/市场;The roads are~.路上车水马龙。Shops are very~before Christmas.圣诞节前商店很热闹。〖同〗active;

(3) 占着,正用着((of a telephone line)being in use(and so not available)(AmE;= BrE engaged):The (telephone) line/photocopier is~.电话正占线/影印机正用着。All the lines to New York are~. 所有通往纽约的电话线都占着。Her line (phone) is~.她的电话占线了。

(4) (图案)杂乱的,繁杂的((of a picture or design) too full of small details that are not interesting)(derog):a~design/bulletin board杂乱的图案/布告牌;The wallpaper is too~for the bedroom.这墙纸太花,贴卧室不合适。

as busy as a bee 忙碌:They are as~as bees, working in the fields.他们在地里忙着干活。

→′busily adv 忙碌地;′busyness n 忙碌, 繁忙;′busybody n 好管闲事的人;

vt 使忙于(make or keep (esp oneself) busy)[T+n T+n+prep(with/in), C+n+-ing]:~oneself in/with his garden在花园里忙;~oneself with one's chores/the housework/gardening/some sewing 忙于日常杂务/家务/园艺/做缝纫活;~oneself(in/with) answering letters/cooking dinners/writing忙于回信/做饭/写东西;

【辨异】busyoccupiedemployed都表示“忙(碌)的”,但有区别:busy 可用于比较等级,如:busier than before(比以前忙),可用very修饰,而occupied 和employed则一般不可; busy是常用词,occupied和employed的语体色彩较为正式。





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