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单词 burst
burst/bɜ:st, AmE bɜ:rst/ v burst, burst]; n

v (1) (使)爆炸,(使)胀裂((cause to) break suddenly and violently open or in pieces esp by pressure from within; explode)[I T+n]:The bomb (shell/boiler)~.炸弹(炮弹/锅炉)爆炸了。The balloon (bubble/bottle /tyre /water-pipe /blood vessel /dam)~.气球(泡/瓶子/车胎/水管/血管/大坝)爆裂了。The bag/seams of the dress~.袋子/衣服的线缝胀裂了。He~a balloon/a blood vessel.他弄爆(破)了气球/血管。~one's sides with laughter笑得两肋痛;~the chains that held him挣断了身上的锁链;The river has~its banks.河水冲决了堤堰。The river banks have~.河堤决口。The champagne~the bottle.香槟酒从酒瓶里冲了出来。a~water pipe爆裂的水管;〖同〗explode,break,blast,split;

(2) 盈满(得要炸了)(be extremely full as if ready to break open)[I I+prep(with)][仅用prog]:I am~ing after eating so much.我吃了这么多,肚子都要撑破了。Where's the lavatory? I'm~ing! 厕所在哪儿? 我(尿)憋死了。The bag (shop/storehouse/closet/room) is~ing (with goods).袋子(商店/仓库/壁柜/房间)快要(让货物)挤破了。(person/heart) be~ing with joy/happiness/pride/excitement/impatience/health/rage/resentment/grief(人/心)感到快活/幸福/骄傲/激动/急躁/健康/愤怒/愤恨/悲伤得很。He's~ing with energy.他干劲十足。

(3) 突(猛)然……((cause to)come into the stated condition suddenly often with force)[L+adj C+n+adj I+prep]:He~free.他挣脱开了。The door/young flowers~open.门砰地打开了/花蕾绽开了。They~the door open.他们冲开门。~through the door/into the street/out of the house闯过门/冲到街上/冲出屋子;The sun~through the clouds.太阳冲破云层。Lava~forth from the volcano.熔岩从火山中喷发出来。

burst in on (v adv prep)突然打断(扰) (vt):~in on sb's conversation/sb's discussion/a meeting突然打断某人的交谈/某人的讨论/一个会;~in on sb打扰某人;

burst into (v prep)突然……起来(vt):(sb)~into tears/song/laughter/applause/angry speech/abuse/perspiration 突然哭/唱/大笑/鼓掌/气愤地讲/漫骂/大汗淋漓起来;(plane)~into flames(飞机)突然着火了;(tree)~into leaf/bloom/blossom/flower(树)突然长出叶子/开出花/开出花/开出花来;

burst out (v adv) 1) 突然……起来 (vi):~out laughing/crying/singing/into song/into threats 突然大笑/大哭/大唱/大唱/大声恐吓起来;2) 突然大声说(vt):“Get into the car!” he~out.“上车!”他大喊道。

be bursting to do sth 急切地要做某事:He is~ing to tell you the good news/to show what he could do.他急于要告诉你那个好消息/让人看看他能做什么。

n (1) 爆炸,胀裂(bursting; explosion; split caused by this)[C]:hear the~of shells/bombs听见炮弹/炸弹的爆炸声;There's a~in the water-pipe. 水管爆裂了。〖同〗explosion,blast,splitting,breaking;

(2) 猝(突)发,发作(sudden short effort)[C]:a~of energy能量的爆发;With a great~of speed the aeroplane took off.飞机猛然加速,飞离了地面。work in short~s of a few hours at a time 突击似的一连工作几个小时;〖同〗outburst,outbreak;

(3) 突然的一阵(sudden beginning of sth)[C]:a~of anger/enthusiasm/affection一股怒火/热情/爱;a~of tears/laughter一阵大哭/大笑;a~of applause/flame/steam一阵掌声/一团烈焰/一股蒸汽;

(4) 一阵射击(short series of shots fired quickly out of a gun)[C]:There was a~of machine-gun fire/automatic rifle fire.突然响起了一阵机枪/自动步枪的射击声。





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