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单词 论功行赏

论功行赏lùn gōng xíng shǎng

award people according to their contributions; give awards on the basis of merit; dispense rewards (honours) according to merit; render onto Caesar that which is Caesar’s
❍ 请留待他时,~,若有违心,皇天鉴,决不爽。(洪昇《长生殿》) Please keep it for rewards according to merits in the day of victory. Heaven be our witness that we speak from our hearts.
❍ 班师之日,我~,好好让乡亲们过几年太平日子。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》34) …When our regular army returns,I’ll reward you according to your merit and see to it that your families have years of peace and happiness.
❍ 真要~,恐怕我连这稀白粥也喝不上!(冯志《敌后武工队》48)As for merit,I probably don’t even deserve this bowl of cabbage porridge! ”

论功行赏lùn ɡōnɡ xínɡ shǎnɡ

按照功劳大小给予奖赏。award people according to their contributions, dispense rewards or honours according to merit, decide on awards on the basis of merit





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