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单词 bury
bury/′beri/ vt [-yies /z/; -yied, yied /d/]

(1) 埋葬(place (a dead person) in a grave a tomb or into the sea)[T+n]:~a dead person/the dead埋葬死人/死者;be~ied at sea 海葬;be~ied in a churchyard/in a graveyard/in Westminster Abbey葬在教堂墓地/一个公墓/威斯敏斯特大教堂;be~ied with sb与某人合葬;

(2) 埋(藏)(place in the ground; cover with soil rocks leaves etc in order to hide)[T+n T+n+prep C+n+adj]:The pirates~ied their treasure on the island.海盗把珍宝埋藏在岛上。The dogs~ied bones in the garden.狗把骨头藏在花园里。be~ied alive被活埋; Reptiles~their eggs in holes.爬行动物把产的蛋挖洞埋起来。〖同〗hide,conceal,secrete,cover;〖反〗unearth,uncover,discover,reveal;

(3) 遮盖,掩蔽(hide from sight; cover from view)[T+n T+n+prep]:~one's face in a pillow/in one's hands把头埋入枕头里/以双手掩面;~oneself in the countryside隐居乡下; Frogs/Toads~themselves in the ground for their winter sleep.青蛙/蟾蜍躲在地下冬眠。Many nuts were~ied under the dead leaves.许多坚果埋在了枯叶下。The house was~ied under snow.房子埋在了雪下。The facts were~ied in a few old books.真相深藏在几本旧书之中。The letters were~ied under a pile of papers.信掩在一堆文件下面。My socks are~ied somewhere in this drawer.我的袜子压在这抽屉的什么地方下面了。He was~ied in a book. (fig) 他埋头读书。〖同〗hide,conceal,secrete,cover;〖反〗uncover,discover,reveal;

(4) 完全忘掉(dismiss (sth) from one's mind; completely forget about)[T+n]:~quarrels/differences/insults彻底忘却争端/分歧/污辱;~the hatchet讲和;The anger has been~ied inside him.愤怒深埋在他的心底。~ied memories忘却的记忆;〖同〗forget;

(5) 深深插入 (push sth deep into or under sth) [T+n+prep (in)]:~an arrow in a target把箭深深射进靶子;~one's hands in one's pockets把手深深插进口袋里;~one's teeth in sth把牙齿深深咬进某物;~one's head in a book 把头深深埋进书中;find sb dead with a knife~ied in his heart发现某人死了,心脏处刺着一把刀子;

bury oneself in sth 埋头(专心)做某事:~oneself deep in one's work/one's studies/a book/a newspaper 一心工作/学习/读书/看报;

→′burial n 埋葬,葬礼





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