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单词 burn
burn/bɜ:n, AmE bɜ:rn/ v burnt, burnt /bɜ:nt, AmE bɜ:rnt/or -ed, -ed /d/]; n

v (1) 燃烧;发光(produce heat or light by or as if by fire)[I L+adj]:A house (building/fire/heater) is~ing.房子(大楼/火/火炉在)燃烧。A light~ed in the house.屋内亮着一盏灯。The lights~ed all night.灯亮了一夜。The sun~ed bright in the sky.太阳像一盆火一样在空中照着。Paper/Dry wood~s easily.纸/干木柴容易燃烧。Wet/Damp wood doesn't~easily.湿/潮木柴不易点燃。The fire had burnt low.火已经小了。〖同〗blaze,flame,flare,flash,glow;

(2) (使)感到发烧((cause to) feel painfully hot)[I T+n]:He~ed with fever.他发高烧。His forehead is~ing.他的前额发烫。My cheeks are~ing after that walk in the cold wind.在冷风中散步后我的脸颊感到火辣辣的。The whisky~ed in his chest.威士忌在他身躯中火烧火燎的。The air~ed his lungs.吸入的空气令人感到热烫。

(3) 有……强烈的感情;极想(feel strong emotion)[I I+prep(with), I+prep(for), I+to-inf][常用prog]:When she said I was rude, I really~ed.当她说我粗鲁时,我真是火了。The desire for wealth~ed in his heart.发财的欲火在他心中燃烧。be~ing with anger/rage/desire/longing 怒火中烧/怒火中烧/欲火燃烧/燃起渴欲之火;be~ing with zeal/shame/curiosity热情澎湃/羞愧难当/非常好奇;letters~ing with indignation充满义愤的信;be~ing to tell sb the news/to avenge the death of one's father/to go abroad 急切地想要告诉某人那个消息/为父亲的死报仇/出国;

(4) 烧毁(坏,伤)((cause to)be destroyed damaged injured or marked by fire heat or acid)[T+n I]:They (The fire) burnt all the papers/the dead leaves/the rubbish/the houses 他们(火)烧毁了所有的文件/枯叶/垃圾/房子。 All the papers/houses (were) burnt in the fire.所有的文件/房子都在火中烧毁了。I've burnt the toast/the potatoes/the meat/the dinner/the milk.我把面包/土豆/肉/饭/牛奶烤(煮)糊了。The toast (potatoes/meat/dinner)~ed(black).面包(土豆/肉/饭)烤(煮)糊了。The child (Hot water) burnt his fingers/his mouth/his tongue/his wound.那小孩(热水)烫了他的手指/嘴/舌头/伤口。The sun~ed his skin to a bright red colour/to a deep tan.太阳把他皮肤晒得红红的/晒成紫铜色。The wound~s from the iodine.伤口因碘酒而灼痛。His face (skin/hand) was badly burnt by the hot sun/the acid.他的脸(皮肤/手)让太阳/酸晒(烧)得掉了皮。His face (skin)~ed in the wind/on the beach.他的脸(皮肤)在风中吹/在海滩上晒得黑黑的。Fair skin~s easily.白皙的皮肤容易晒黑。Can you smell something~ing? 你闻到有东西烧糊的味吗?

(5) 烧死((cause to) be killed by fire)[T+n I]:Joan of Arc was burnt alive.圣女贞德被活活烧死。Many people burned to death in the fire.许多人被火烧死。

(6) 烧成(change or produce by heat or fire)[T+n T+n+prep(to/into)]:~clay to make bricks烧粘土以制砖;The acid (cigarette/sparks) burnt a hole in his jacket.酸(香烟/火花)在他的短上衣上烧了个洞。~papers to ashes把文件烧成灰;~one's name/the image of a horse into the wood在木头上烫上某人的名字/马的图样;~the owner's mark into an animal's skin把主人的记号烫在动物皮上;

(7) 烧(use (sth) as fuel for power heating or lighting)[T+n]:(heating boiler)~oil/coal/coke/wood/gas (供热锅炉)烧油/煤/焦炭/木柴/汽油;The lamp ~s too much oil.这灯太费油。〖同〗 consume;

burn one's boats/bridges 破釜沉舟,不留后路:If you write them your letter of resignation, you'll have burnt your bridges behind you.如果你给他们写辞职信,你就毫无退路了。

burn the candle at both ends 昼夜不停地劳累:What can you expect if you~the candle at both ends? A breakdown.你要是昼夜不停地干,会有什么好结果? 身体垮台。

burn one's fingers/get one's fingers burnt 自食其果:I'm not taking risks again;I've had my fingers~ed once.我可不再冒险了,我吃过一回亏了。

burn the midnight oil 开夜车,熬夜:She takes her exams next week, so she's~ing the midnight oil.她下周考试,所以在开夜车。

burn away (v adv) 1)烧掉 (vi & vt):The candle (oil in the lamp/fire/paper) has nearly burnt away.蜡烛(灯里的油/火/纸)差不多烧光了。2)烧坏(vt):The skin on his hand was burnt away in the fire.他手上的皮在火中烧伤了。3)继续燃烧(vi):The fire is~ing away.火在继续燃烧着。

burn down (v adv) 1)烧毁 (vi & vt):My house (has/was)~ed down to the ground.我的房子彻底烧毁了。Don't smoke in bed—you might~the house down.不要在床上抽烟——你会把房子烧了的。

burn up (v adv) 1) 烧掉(尽) (vt & vi):He~ed up all the old letters/all the dead leaves.他把过去所有的信/所有的落叶都烧了。The house~ed up before the firemen got there.消防队员到达时,房子已烧光了。2) 烧旺起来 (vi): Put some more wood on the fire to make it~up.再添点柴,让火烧旺起来。

burn out (v adv)烧尽(vi & vt):The fire (flame/candle/oil lamp)~ed(itself)out.火(火焰/蜡烛/油灯)着完了(即熄灭了)。The hotel/factory was completely burnt out.旅馆/工厂完全烧光了。

→′burner n 烧(烤)制……的人;燃烧器(头);′burning adj 燃烧的;烫手的;情感激烈的;

n (1) 烧(灼)伤,灼痛感(hurt or mark on the body produced by fire heat acid etc; sensation produced by burning)[C U(the~)]:receive/suffer~s on one's hand 手被烧伤/受到烧伤;dress~s on one's hand包扎手上的烧伤; repair the~in the carpet修地毯上烧坏的地方;the~of the medicinal cream on the cut药膏在刀口上引起的灼痛感;have serious~s on one's face/over one's body 脸/身上严重烧伤;Her~s will take a long time to heal.她的烧伤得很长时间才能愈合。

(2) 飞船上火箭的点火(发动)((of rocket-engines) firing)[C]:a short~短时间点火发动;The rocket made a good~.火箭顺利点火。

【说明】burn用作动词时,过去式和过去分词皆各有规则和不规则两种形式;BrE 中用作及物动词时,多用不规则的形式burnt;用作不及物动词或用于比喻意义时,多用规则形式burned(见上面例证);AmE中,可以一律用burned,也可用burnt (作形容词时,则总是写为burnt)。





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