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单词 bunch
bunch/bʌntʃ/ n [-es / ɪz/]; v [-es / ɪz/]

n (1) 束,捆,串,把(number of similar things that are fastened held grouped or growing together)[C][N(of)]:a~of flowers/keys/bananas/letters/balloons 一束花/一串钥匙/一把香蕉/一扎信/一束气球;A~of grapes hung from the vine.一串葡萄从藤上垂下来。〖同〗bundle,pile;

(2) 一群(帮)(small group of people; gang)[CGp](infml)(derog):a~of thieves/thugs一帮小偷/暴徒;a~of children/students/girls一群小孩/学生/女孩;He is the best of the~.他是这一帮中最不招人讨厌的。 They are a~of tired old men.他们是一群疲惫的老人。〖同〗group,band, flock,crowd,host,gang;

v (1) (使)捆成束(挤成群)((cause to) form into bunches folds or groups)[I I+adv(up), T+n T+n+ adv (up)]:Traffic often~es on a motorway.高速公路上车辆常常拥堵。(people)~(up) round the fire/together(人们)聚在火周围/围在一起;Don't~(up) together, but spread out over the field.别挤在一起,在场子上散开!~the parsley for sale把香菜打捆出售; 〖同〗crowd,gather,group,flock;

(2) 给衣服打褶((of cloth or clothes)(cause to) gather into fold)[I I+prep(up), T+n T+n+adv(up)]:His jacket seemed to~under his shoulders.他的夹克看来是在肩下打的褶。Do you like the way this dress~es up?你喜欢这裙子这种打褶的样子吗?~a blouse at the waist把女罩衫在腰部打上褶;The sewing-machine started to~up the material.缝纫机开始使布料起褶了。





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