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单词 bulk
bulk/bʌlk/ n & vi

n (1) 大块(个),大量(great size shape volume or quantity)[U]:a ship/building/package of great~巨大无比的船/房子/包裹;look at the dark~of the building看着那黑沉沉的庞大建筑;The sheer~of Mozart's music is extraordinary. 莫扎特作曲的数量是极大的。~buying/purchases大量购买;

(2) 肥大臃肿的身体(unusually large fat and often badly shaped body or person)[C]:The sheer~of an elephant is startling.大象庞大的躯体真吓人。the whale's monstrous~鲸鱼巨大的躯体; He had trouble getting his huge~into the chair.他费劲地将自己臃肿的身子塞进椅子中去。His huge~appeared round the corner.他那肥大的身躯从街角处出现了。〖同〗mass,largeness,bigness,greatness;

(3) 大部分,大半(major portion or greater part of)[Cthe~][N(of)]:the~of the work/the estate/the debt/the earth's surface/the people/the army工作/财产/债务/地球表面/人们/军队的大部分;The~of his money was spent on drink.他的钱大多用来酗酒了。The~of her days were spent quietly.她的日子大多过得很平静。〖同〗majority;

(4) 纤维食物(rough food materials that is not digested and often eaten to keep one's bowls working properly)[U]:We need more~in our diet/our food.我们需要吃更多的纤维食物。

in bulk 1) 大批地:buy/sell/carry sth in~大批地买/卖/运送;2) 未包装:ship sth in~散装船运;

→′bulky adj 体积大的;笨重的;

vi 显得重要,凸出(appear important; be prominent)[I](见于短语~large中):The problem still~s large in his memory/his mind/his thoughts.那个问题仍然在他的脑中萦绕。Sightseeing~ed large in our vacation plans.观光在假期计划中占重要位置。





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