单词 | bubble |
释义 | bubble/′bʌbl/ n; vi [-d,-d /d/; -e\ing / ɪ ŋ/] n (1) 泡,气(水)泡(hollow ball of air or gas(in air, liquids or solids))[C,通常pl]:soap~s肥皂泡;~s on a boiling liquid/in glass/in lemonade开水表面/玻璃里/柠檬汁里的气泡;~s of paint油漆气泡;glass with~s in it带气泡的玻璃;Tiny~s were rising from the dissolving tablets.小气泡从溶解的药片上往上冒。blow~s吹泡泡;~gum泡泡糖;~bath (加在洗澡水里的)芳香泡沫剂; (2) 沸腾(声)(sound or appearance of a steadily boiling mixture)[U]:We could hear the~of the kettle/the fountain/the cooking pot.我们听得见水壶里的水在沸腾/泉水在咕咕地冒泡/锅里煮的东西在沸腾。 (3) 泡影(sth empty or not lasting that gives early promise of success but suddenly collaps-es)[C]:The latest trade figures will surely prick the~of government complacency about the economic situation.最近的贸易数据肯定会使政府对经济形势的自满情绪化为泡影。The~burst for investors in stocks.证券投资者的泡影破灭了。 vi (1) 冒(起)泡(form, produce, or rise in bubbles)[I]:The water began to~in the teapot.茶壶里的水开始起泡了。The cham-pagne~d in the glass.香槟酒在杯子里冒泡。Gases~d from the vat.大缸里往外冒气。The water~d in the pot.水在锅里咕嘟。Cook it until it~s.煮到冒气泡为止。〖同〗boil; (2) 发出起泡(沸腾)声(make the sound of or give the appearance of bubbles rising in liquid)[I]:We could hear the kettle~ing (away) quietly on the fire.我们听得见水壶里的水在火上轻轻地沸腾。hear the fountain~ing (away) quietly nearby听见泉水在附近咕咕地冒泡;An electric coffee percolator~d in the next room.电咖啡壶在隔壁房间里咕咕沸腾。a~ing stream淙淙流淌的小溪; (3) 充满,洋溢(show activity or emotion in a lively way)[I, I+adv(over)+prep(with), I+adv (over), I+prep(with)]:She was really~ing(over)with excitement/enthusiasm/high spirits/joy.她真是激动/热情/情绪高涨/高兴得不能自己。~over with fun喜气洋洋;~with energy/confidence干劲/信心十足;His mind~s with plans and schemes.他满脑子都是各种计划和方案。 bubble along/out/over/up (v adv)(咕咕)冒(vi):a spring~ing out of the ground从地下冒出的泉水;gases~ing up through the lake 湖底冒上来的气体;The milk~d over. 牛奶在沸腾。 →′bubbly adj 充满气泡的;心情愉快的;n 香槟酒 |
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