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单词 轻描淡写

轻描淡写qīng miáo dàn xiě

describe with a delicate touch; mention casually; deal with only in a casual manner; make mild comments about; touch on sth lightly; say unconcernedly (/with casual unconcern)
❍ 刘慰亭轻轻咳了一声嗽,这是将要发言的表示。他~地说…… (《叶圣陶文集·倪焕之》232) Liu Weiting coughed gently to indicate that he was about to speak,and said as if by the way. …/杨部长窥出他这种紧张的心情,特地缓和一下空气,~地说:……(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—510) Observing how nervous he was,Yang Jian made a special effort to relax the tension in the atmosphere by saying casually: …/“这件事啊”,从她的口吻里听出她对星二聚餐会并没有多大的兴趣,而且也不认为是件什么了不起的事,~地说,“他要参加,参加,就完了”。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—99)“Oh,I see.” It was evident from the way she said this that she was not particularly interested in their Tuesday Dining Club and did not consider it anything to get excited about. She said offhandedly: “If he wants to join he can just join,I don’t see there’s anything to discuss.”/旁边的王和甫却耐不住了,看了孙吉人一眼,似乎是征求他的同意,便咳了一声,~的说出孙吉人的“好主意” 来; …… (茅盾《子夜》78) Wang Hefu,who knew what it was all about,could hardly wait any longer. Glancing at Sun Jiren for approval,he cleared his throat and outlined the latter’s “excellent idea”:…/或者~地说一说,不作彻底解决,保持一团和气。(《毛泽东选集》330) Or to touch on the matter lightly instead of going into it thoroughly,so as to keep on good terms.
❍ 朱延年看张科长的面色很紧张,他在旁边设法缓和空气,~地说:“先试一试,没关系。”(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—183) Noticing the mounting tension in Mr Zhang’s face Zhu Yannian made an effort to relax the atmosphere in the room by saying with casual unconern: “It won’t do any harm just to try them on.…”




mention casually;slur over,play down;touch on lightly
~地说say with casual unconcern

轻描淡写qīnɡ miáo dàn xiě

原指绘画时用淡淡的线条或颜色轻轻地描绘。现多比喻说话或写作时轻轻带过某个问题,不加重视。touch on lightly, with the tap of a feather, dismiss lightly, discribe with a delicate touch





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