单词 | soul |
释义 | soul/sǝ ʊl, AmE soʊl/ n (1)灵魂(non-physical part of a person,which is often thought to exist after one dies)[C]:believe in the immortality of the~相信灵魂不朽;Death separates~and body. 死亡使人的灵魂和肉体分离。Do animals have~s? 动物有灵魂吗? May his~rest in peace! 愿他的灵魂安息吧!~resting in heaven 在天堂安息的灵魂;put one's whole~into one's work 全身心地投入到工作之中;sell one's~for money 为金钱而出卖自己的灵魂;love sb with one's heart and~全身心地爱着某人;〖同〗spirit; (2)鬼魂,幽灵(spirit of a dead person)[C]:All S~s' Day 万灵节; (3)化身,典范 (fine example or pattern (of some virtue or quality))[U,a~][N(of)]:She is the~of honesty/honour/integrity/discretion. 她是诚实/荣誉/正直/谨慎的化身。 (4)人(person)[C]:a simple/dear old~朴实/可爱的老人;a cheery little~活泼的小孩子;help that poor~帮助那可怜的家伙;a population of one thousand~s 人口1000;see hardly a~between the villages 两个村子之间看不见一个人影;Don't tell this to a~. 不要将此事告诉任何人。Not a~was seen. 一个人也见不到。There was hardly a~to be seen about. 附近几乎见不到一个人。〖同〗creature,individual; (5)激情,情感力量,感染力(strong feeling of excitement,desire or influence)[C,U]:a stylish performance but without lacking in~时尚但不乏感染力的表演;the~of this book/commerce 本书的精髓/商业之本;a man without~一个没有激情的人;The music has no~. 这音乐没有感染力。Some musicians/novels lack~. 有些音乐家缺乏激情/小说没有感染力。〖同〗inspiration,force,spirit,vitality; (6)灵乐(type of popular modern American music performed by black singers and supposed to express strong emotion)[U](=soul music):the sound of~灵乐之声; a~singer 灵乐歌手; →′soulful adj 深情的,伤感的;′soulfully adv 深情地;′soulfulness n 深情;′soulless adj 无情的;枯燥的;′soullessly adv 感情不深地;枯燥地;′soul-destroying adj 枯燥无味的,消磨精神的;′soul-searching n 深思,反省;′soul-stirring n 令人兴奋(感动)的; 【注意】soul 和sole读音相同。 |
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