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单词 something
something/′sʌmθɪ ŋ/ pron

(1)某事(物)(some thing;a particular thing not named or known):want~to read 要点什么读的;tell sb~interesting 给某人讲点有趣的事情;have~very particular to ask sb 有点特别的事问某人;If they don't like~they simply veto it. 他们如果不喜欢什么,就干脆拒绝。Are you worried about~? 你是在为什么事担忧吗?There was~missing. 缺点儿什么。

(2)重要的东西(物)(some thing thought to be important):It is quite~to have persuaded him to speak. 说服他来讲话就很不简单了。There's~in what he said. 他说的话有些道理。That concert was really~. 那场音乐会确实不错。She is/She does~in film. 她是干电影这一行的。

or something …… 或诸如此类的人(物,情况等):I think he left because he had lost his job or~. 我认为他是因为丢了工作或诸如此类的原因才走的。

something like 1)大约:It costs~like twenty pounds. 花了大约20英镑。2)有点像:Your house is~like ours. 你们的房子与我们的有点像。

something of 在某种程度上:I'm~of a photographer myself,you know. 你知道,我是懂点摄影的。

something to do with 和 …… 有关(BrE):I think he is/has~to do with the plot. 我认为他是与那个阴谋有牵连的人/与那个阴谋有关。





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