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单词 spare
spare/speǝ(r), AmE sper/ vt [-d,-d/d/;-eing/rɪ ŋ/];adj [-r/rə/, -st/rɪst/];n

vt (1)宽(饶)恕,赦免(keep from punishinginjuring;treat with mercy)[T+nD+n+n]:~sb/sb's life/sb his life 饶某人一命;if I am~d 如果我有幸不死;The prisoner was~d. 那囚犯被赦免了。The enemy~d neither young nor old. 无论老幼,敌人都没有放过。~no one,not even oneself 一个人也没放过,包括自己在内;〖同〗forgive,release,free,pardon;〖反〗punish,condemn;

(2)节约,节俭,吝啬(afford or set aside for a particular purpose;use as little as possible)[T+nD+n+n]:She never~s the butter when baking. 她烤糕点时从不吝惜黄油。not~oneself 对自己要求很严格;Sthe rod and spoil the child.(prob) 孩子不打不成器(省了棍子宠坏了孩子)。not~any effort on sth 在某方面不遗余力;Nothing/No troubles/No pains was (were)~d to make them comfortable (for their comfort). 为使他们舒适尽了全力/不辞劳苦/不遗余力。~sb the details/one's opinion/the explanation 不给某人讲那些细节/讲自己的意见/作解释;〖同〗conserve,withhold,save,reserve;〖反〗use,spend;

(3)为……提供(金钱、时间等);抽(匀,分)出(be able to afford to give)[T+nT+n+prep (for),D+n+nD+n+prep(for)]:We haven't enough to~. 我们没有富余的,匀不出来。Can you~$10/any sugar? 你能匀出10美元/一点糖吗?~time for a holiday 抽出时间去度假;Please~me a few minutes of your time/two litres of petrol. 请为我抽出几分钟时间/匀给我两升汽油。 Can you~an extra ticket/one of your sandwiches for me? 请匀一张票/一个三明治给我好吗? 〖同〗afford,grant,give;

(4)没有 …… 也行(manage without) [T+nT+n+prep](infml):Father couldn't~the car,so I had to walk. 父亲得用车,所以我只好步行。

spare sb's blushes 不以过奖的话让某人受窘:You shouldn't say all these nice things about me;~my blushes! 你不该讲我这么多好话——别让我难为情!

spare sb's feelings 避免伤害某人的感情:He simply wished to minimize the fuss and to~her feelings. 他只是想尽量不激动,以避免伤害她的感情。

to spare 富余,过剩:She arrived with no time to~. 她准时到达,没留一点富余时间。

→′sparing adj 节约的;′sparingly adv 节约地;

adj(1)富余的,备用的(not needed immediately but ready to be used when needed)[无comp]:carry a~wheel/tyre 带个备用车轮/轮胎;His home has a~bedroom/room. 他家有一个备用卧室/房间。Here's a~pair of trousers. You may have them. 这儿有一条富余的裤子,你可以穿上。~parts 备用零部件;〖同〗extra,supplementary,supplemental;

(2)空暇(闲)的((of time) not being used for anything;free)[无comp]:do sth in~time 在空暇时间做某事;He is so busy that he has no~time. 他很忙,没有空闲。get a~moment 有点空闲的时间;We stay in the country in our~time. 闲暇时我们待在乡下。

(3)(人)瘦的((of a person's body) thin;lean)(尤fml):a tall~man 瘦高个的男人;a~figure/frame 清瘦的身材;〖同〗lean,thin,slender〖反〗fat,fleshy,heavy,large;

(4)少量的,微薄的(small in quantity) [作attrib)(fml):on a~diet 在节食;have a~meal of bread and cheese 仅吃一点点面包和黄油;

go spare(BrE,sl)很恼火:Jennie will go~if she finds out what you've done! 如果珍妮发现了你做的事,她一定会恼火的。

→′spare-rib n 猪小排;

n(机器、汽车等)设备(尤指汽车的备用轮胎)(spare part(for a machinecaretc),esp an extra wheel for a carkept for emergencies)[C]:His~is flat. 他的备用轮胎瘪了。They sell~s at that garage 那家汽车修理店出售备用胎。Take plenty of~s with you if you are going to travel a great distance in your car. 如果你要开车作长途旅行,需携带大量的备件。





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