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单词 sort
sort/sɔ:t, AmE sɔ:rt/ nvt [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)种(类),类型,品种 (class kind or typedistinguished by a common character or nature) [C]: a~of coughing noise 一种咳嗽声;a peaceable~of beast 一种性情温和的动物; a misty~of rain 蒙蒙细雨;five different~s of chocolate 五种不同的巧克力;a machine of some~某种类型的机器;people of every~and kind 三教九流;people of all~s/all~s of people 行行色色的人;this~of thing/these~s of things/things of this~这种事情;What~of paint is it/a girl is she? 这是什么染料/她是什么样的姑娘? Pop music is the~she likes most. 流行音乐是她最喜欢的音乐。〖同〗kind,type,make,brand,species;

(2)某种人 (type of character;person) [C,通常sing](infml):a good/bad/decent~好/坏/正派人;It takes alls (to make a world).(prov) 什么人都有(世界之大无奇不有)。〖同〗person,individual;

of a sort/of sorts 较差的(infml derog):a poet of~s 平庸的诗人;

out of sorts 1)身体不适(infml):I won't come out tonight;I'm feeling out of~s. 今晚我不出去了,我有点不舒服。2)情绪不佳(infml):The chief's feeling is thoroughly out of~s this morning. 今天早上头儿的情绪特别不好。

a sort of 某种,有几分的(infml):I had a~of feeling she would object. 我隐约有种预感,她会反对。

sort of 有几分的,在一定程度上(infml):He's been acting~of strange lately. 他最近表现得有点怪。

vt 分(归)类,整理,划分(arrange according to classkind or size;separate (one kind) from the rest)[T+nT+n+adv (out),T+n+prep (into/from),T+n+adv (out)+prep (into/from)]:~and deliver mail 分拣并投递邮件;Let's~the names alphabetically. 咱们把这些名字按字母顺序排列一下。S~these cards according to their colours. 按颜色把这些卡片分开。~out one's coins/one's stamps 整理自己的硬币/邮票;~one's books into piles 把书整理成一摞一摞的;~the fakes from the originals 把赝品与原作区分开;~out the good oranges from the bad ones 把好橘子与坏橘子分开;〖同〗arrange,group,classify;

sort out (v ad) 1)整理(vt):It takes me some time to~out my thoughts before I can start writing. 下笔之前,我得花些时间清理思路。2)挑出(vt):S~out the best apples for eating. 把最好的苹果挑出来吃。3)解决(vt):I'll leave you to~that out. 我将让你去解决此事。4)惩罚,揍(vt):Wait till I get you outside,and I'll~you out! 等着,看我不把你揪到外面揍一顿的!

sort through(v prep)查看并分类:~through one's old magazines 把旧杂志分类整理一下;

→′sorter n 分拣员(机)





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