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单词 space
space/speɪs/ n [-s/ ɪz/]vt[-s/ ɪz/;-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)空间(中),天空(unlimited or indefinitely great expanse in which all material objects are located and all events occur)[U]:time and~时间和空间;stare/look into~凝视/看着天空;fall out of the window into~掉到窗外空中去了;

(2)太空,外层空间(universe beyond the earth's atmosphere containing the rest of the universe)[U](outer space)(常构成合成词):send a man into~把人送入太空;travel through~to the moon 穿越太空飞向月球;a rocket launched into~向外层空间发射的火箭;in outer~在外层空间;~travel/station/shuttle 太空旅行/太空站/航天飞机;

(3)空地(处)(area available for use;room)[U]:need more~to set up the equipment/for playing football 需要更多的空间安置设备/空地踢足球;The machine takes up/occupies too much~. 这机器占地方太大。Have you enough~to sleep in? 你睡觉的地方够吗?There isn't enough~here for twenty people/all the furniture. 这地方容不下20个人/所有的家具。Is there any~left for me? 还有我的地儿吗?There's~for one more person. 还有一个人的空儿。〖同〗room,area;〖反〗confinement;

(4)开阔地,空阔地(large area of land not built on)[U;C;常pl]:There's some open~near the center in the town. 镇中心有块空旷地。the~of the countryside 乡间的广阔田野;Are there any open~s for children to play on? 有儿童玩耍的空地吗?spend one's holiday in the wide open~s 在这开阔的空地上度假;

(5)间隔时间,期间(interval of time)[C,通常sing]:finish sth with(in) the~of an hour/ten years 在一小时/10年之内完成某事;the~between two meals 两餐之间的时间;after a considerable~of time 在相当长的一段时间以后;keep silent/rest for a (long)~(很长)一段时间保持沉默/休息;〖同〗period,interval,span,duration;

(6)间隔,空隙,距离,地方(gap;empty or unfilled place between two or more objects)[C]:have a wide~between sb's teeth 某人齿间有宽宽的豁缝;find a parking~for one's car 找个空儿停车;Keep some~between you and the car ahead. 你要和前面的汽车保持一定的距离。Write your name in the blank~. 在空白处填上你的姓名。〖同〗gap,blank;

(7)间(空)隔;(打字机上的)一个字母的宽度(distance left between written or printed wordsetc;the width of a typed letter)[C]:Leave two~s after a full stop. 句号后空两格。The word takes five~s. 这个词占五个字母的宽度。

→′space-age adj 太空时代的;非常现代化的;′space-bar n(打字机上的)空格键;′spacecraft,′spaceship n 宇宙飞船;′space-man, ′spacewoman n(=astronaut)宇航员;′spacesuit n 宇航服;′spacewalk n 太空行走;太空行走时间;

vt 均匀分隔(隔开)(set (things) apart from one another with regular spaces between)[T+nT+n+adv (out)]:~the rows of potatoes half a metre apart 土豆行距为半米;~words/paintings evenly on the wall 把字/画均匀地写(挂)在墙上;~the houses ten feet apart 让房子按10英尺的间距分布开;Please don't~the flowers out too evenly when you plant them;they look so much nicer in a natural-looking mass. 种花时不要把花排列得太均匀,自然地分布会更美。

【辨异】space roomplace seat 的区别见PLACE。





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