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单词 snow
释义 snow1 /snsv; sno/ n 1 [U] frozen vapour falling from the sky in soft, white flakes; mass of such flakes on the ground, etc: 云; 雪片; 雪花; (地面上等处的) 积雪: a heavy fall of ~; 下大雪; roads deep in ~; 希雪深的道路; (” falls or accumulation of ~. (复)积雪; 降雪。 2 (compounds) (复合字) '~ball n a mass of ~ pressed into a hard ball for throwing in play, (菌雪而成的) 雪球 (用以~ 投挪以为游戏) 。 b sth that increases quickly in size as it moves forward. 像浪雪球般快速增大的事物。 a vt, vi a throw ~ balls (at). (向 ,) 零球。 b grow quickly in size, importance, etc: (在 fig 积、重要性等方面) 快速增加: Opposition to the war ~ balled. 反战的情绪迅速増艮。 '■~berry n garden shrub with white berries. 一种结白色族果的园艺濯木。 ~ blind adj (temporarily) unable to see because the eyes are tired by the glare of the sun on ~. :专盲 (眼睛受,雪地反射的阳光刺激而暂时失明) 的。 Hence, 由此窿生, '~blindness n '.bound adj unable to travel because of heavy falls of ~. 被大或困阻的; 被大雪封闭的。 '~capped / -clad/ -covered adj covered with ~: 为驾所册葢的! ~-capped mountains; 皆盖着雪的山; ~-covered roofs. 覆葢着雪的屋顶。 '~drift n bank of ~ heaped up by the wind: (为风吹成的) 雪堆: The train ran into a ~ drift. 火京开进了雪雄。 ~, drop n bulb plant with small white flowers at the end of winter or in early spring. 専花 (一种球茎植物,残冬或初春时开小白花) 。→ the illus at flower. 参费 flower 之插图。 '~4all n [C] amount of ~ that falls on one occasion or in a period of time, eg one winter, one year. 降毋; (一次或某一时如的) 降雪量。 '~-field n permanent wide expanse of ~, eg on high mountains, 雪原; 雪野 (面和广大的常年载云, 如高山上者) 。 '~flake n one of the feather-like collections of small crystals in which ~ falls. 雪花; 雪片。 '~-line n level (in feet or metres) above which ~ lies permanently at any place: A线 (以呎或公尺丈量,在此一水平线之上积'毋终年不溶): climb above the line. 学越线。 '~- man /-maen; -,msn/ n (pl -men) figure of a man made of ~ by children for amusement. (儿童以 g 堆成的) 雪人。 '~-plough (US 美 '~-plow) n device for pushing ~ from roads and railways. 除雪机; 雪犁 (用以淸除道路及铁轨上之积雪者) 。 ' ~- shoes n pl frames with leather straps for walking on deep ~ without sinking in. 重建 (以革条穿在木框等上制成,可在积雪处行走而不致下府) 。 ~ storm n heavy fall of ~, esp when accompanied by strong wind. 大雪; (尤指) 暴风雪。 ― 'white adj pure, bright white in colour. 雪白的; 纯白的。~ y adj (-ier, -iest) 1 covered with ~: 被雪所覆盖的: roofs. 被雪覆盖的屋顶。 2 characterized by ~: 下雪的; 雪花纷飞的: ~y weather. 下无的天气。 3 as white or fresh as newly fallen ~: (像刚卞的雪那样) 洁白淸新的: a ~y tablecloth. 洁白的桌布。




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