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单词 sparkle
sparkle/′spɑ:kl, AmE ′spɑ:rkl/ vi [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/];n

vi (1)闪烁(耀)(give off or produce sparks)[II+prep (with)]:The jewels~d. 首饰闪闪发光。The waves/snow~d in the moonlight (sunlight). 波浪/雪在月光(日光)下闪耀。see the diamonds~ing in the candle-light 看见钻石在烛光下闪闪发光;His eyes~with excitement/happiness. 他的眼睛由于激动炯炯有神/高兴得神采飞扬。 〖同〗shine,flash,glitter,twinkle;

(2)(才智等)焕发(be brilliant or witty)[II+prep (with)]:She~d as a performer. 她作为一名演员才华横溢。 The dialogue~s with wit/humour. 这段对话妙趣横生/幽默风趣。

(3)发泡,起泡沫(release bubbles of gas)[I]:The champagne~d. 香槟酒发出气泡。~ing wine 起泡沫的酒;〖同〗bubble,pop;

→′sparkler n 小烟花;′sparklers (sl) n 钻石;′sparkling adj 起泡沫的;活泼机智的;

n 闪光(耀);焕发(act of sparkling;effect made by sparkling)[CU]:the~of sunlight on snow/a diamond in the light 阳光在雪地上闪耀/钻石在灯光下闪烁;see a~in the ashes 看到灰烬中有一星火光;notice the~in sb's eyes 注意到某人眼睛中的闪光;frequent~s of humour 经常表现出来的幽默;The new TV play didn't have much~to it. 这部新电视剧相当没意思。〖同〗twinkle,shimmer,flash;

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