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单词 虚张声势

虚张声势xū zhāng shēng shì

be swashbuckling(/swashbucklering); bluff and bluster; bounce; cut a fat hog; make (/put on) a big (/tremendous)show of force; make a big fanfare of; make a demonstration; make a great display of authority;make a pompous but empty show of strength; make pretences of power and influence; mock-majesty; put up a bluff (/a bold front); swank; swash/“何必~。”许云峰象在嘲讽,又象在挑引外强中干的对方。他满不在乎地在椅子上坐下了。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》161)“Why all this bluster?” he asked,sitting down on a nearby chair. His attitued seemed calculated to mock at and provoke the enemy whose bombastic exterior covered such fatal weaknesses.
❍ 二○三首长即便袭来,也绝不会从夹皮沟方向,因为他的~,就是为了把匪徒的注意力吸引到那里去。(曲波《林海雪原》249)In any event they wouldn’t be coming from Jiapi Valley. Com mander 203 deliberately made a tremendous show of force there just the other day for the express purpose of attracting the enemy’s attention to that sector.…/又追了一程,并不见来人,刘勋苍知他~,心更宽胆子更大,晃开了膀子,象赛跑一样的猛撵。(曲波《林海雪原》75) Several minutes later,there was still no sign of anyone. The man had been faking again. Tank’s confidence grew; he sprinted,pumping his arms.
❍ 奉命教我~,以为疑兵。丞相实不在此。(《三国演义》201)My master wanted me to produce the impression that he was present. Really he was not there.
❍ 老爷明日坐堂,只管~,动文书,发签拿人,…… (《红楼梦》46)When you open court tomorrow,you should make a great display of authority. Send out writs,issue warrants for arrest. and so forth.
❍ 能强过别人是很高兴的事,但努力却又是吃苦的事,因此便想来取巧,不是自己假充一个强者,~,便是更进一步去陷害别人,陷害比自己更强的人。(郭沫若《屈原》10)To surpass others is very pleasant,but to make an effort is very hard,and therefore men try to take a short cut,either pretending to be good,making false pretences,or,even worse,injuring other people,injuring those who are better than themselves.
❍ 他们故意~,逼得守望楼的警兵跑上跑下关窗户,…… (高云览《小城春秋》287)The men intentionally set up a savage clamour; this frightened the guards who rang the alarm and rushed from floor to floor closing the windows’iron shutters.


making a false show of strength


make an empty show of strength;bluff and bluster;be swashbuckling;make false pretences

虚张声势xū zhānɡ shēnɡ shì

张:铺张,夸大。装出强大的声势。bluff, bravado, a bluff and bluster, put up a bluff, make a big fanfare of, make a demonstration





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