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单词 drink
drink/drɪ ŋk/ n v drank /dræ ŋk/; drunk /drʌ ŋk/]

n (1) 1) 饮料 (liquid that can be taken into the mouth and swallowed) [U C]: food and~食物和饮料; have a little~喝一点饮料;order~s 叫饮料;fizzy/cold/hot/soft/strong/bottled/alcoholic~s 汽水/冷饮/热饮/软饮料/酒/瓶装饮料/酒精饮料;a refreshing~令人清爽的饮料;2) 一定量的饮料(amount of liquid swallowed) [C]:have/take/give/pour a~of water (milk/lemonade) 喝/喝/给/斟一些水(牛奶/柠檬汁);Would you like a~of milk? 你要不要喝点牛奶?a cold/cool~on a hot day 热天喝一口冷/凉饮;

(2) 1) 酒 (alcoholic liquor) [U]:Have we/Is there any~in the house? 家里有酒吗? be in~醉了;be fond of~好酒;have a craving for~嗜酒;be temperate in~饮酒有节制;Too much~is very bad for your liver. 饮酒太多对你的肝脏不好。〖同〗alcohol;2) 一定量的酒 (amount of alcoholic liquor swallowed) [C]:Have another~. 再喝一杯(酒)。 have a~before dinner 饭前喝杯酒;He likes/needs a~when he is tired. 他累了时喜欢/需要喝口酒。How/What about a~? 喝一杯(酒)怎么样?D~s are on me. 我付酒钱。He's had one~too many.他有点醉了。

(3)酗酒 (habit of taking too much alcoholic liquids) [U]:His depression/Her frequent quarrelling drove him to~. 情绪忧郁/她老吵架使他酗酒。take to/be given to~because of domestic problems 因为家务问题而喝上了酒/酗酒;D~was his downfall. 酗酒是他败落的原因。He has a~problem. 他酗酒。keep sb always from~永远不让某人酗酒;die of~酗酒而死;

(4) 海洋 (the sea) [C the~] (sl):fall/crash-land in the~掉进海里/迫降海上;

v (1) 饮,喝 (take (liquid) into the mouth and swallow) [I T+n]:~eagerly from a bottle/from a goblet/at a trough 迫不及待地从瓶子中/从高脚杯中/从水槽边喝;give sb sth to~给某人……喝;~a pint/a quart/a bottle/a cup of milk in one go 一口气喝了一品脱/一夸脱/一瓶/一杯牛奶;~coffee/tea/water/wine/whisky/brandy/beer/orange-juice 喝咖啡/茶/水/酒/威士忌/白兰地/啤酒/橘汁;〖同〗swallow;

(2) 吸收 ((of plant the soil etc) take in or absorb (usu water of moisture)) [T+n T+n+adv(in/up)]:The parched/hot dry earth drank (up/in) the rain. 焦干/干热的土地把雨水吸收(干/进去)了。(plant/soil)~water (植物/土壤)吸收水;~air into one's lungs 把空气吸入肺中;〖同〗absorb, take in;

(3) 喝酒 (take alcoholic liquids) [I]:He~s too much/heavily. 他喝酒太凶/很多。~like a fish 豪饮;He never~s. 他从不沾酒。I'm afraid he~s. 我想,他恐怕会喝酒。You shouldn't~and drive! 你不应该酒后开车!~to bolster one's courage 喝酒壮胆;

(4) 喝(酒喝)得…… (bring (oneself) to a particular state by taking alcoholic liquids) [T+n+prep C+n+adj]:~oneself to death/into unconsciousness 喝得丧命/不省人事;~oneself stupid (infml) 喝昏了头;~one's troubles away 借酒浇愁;

drink sb's health/a health to sb 为……的健康干杯(fml):I~your good health. 我为你的健康干杯。~the health of the bride/each other's health 为新娘/相互的健康干杯;

drink (sth) to sb/sth (举杯)为……祝酒(干杯):~(a toast) to sb's health/sb's happiness/sb's success/sb's good fortune/sb's prosperity为某人的健康/幸福/成功/好运/富足干杯。~(a toast) to the friendship between...为……间的友谊干杯;We must~to (the health of) our host. 我们应该为主人(的健康)干杯。We drank to him on his birthday. 生日那天我们向他祝酒。I~all happiness and success to you. 我举杯祝你幸福与成功。

drink up/down (v adv) (迅速)喝干(光) (vt):~the medicine/the water/the remains of one's coffee up (down)把药/水/剩下的咖啡喝光;

drink in (v adv) 1) 欣赏,陶醉于 (vt):~in the mountain scenery/the beauty of the landscape/the beauty of the rural scene 陶醉于山区风光/风景的秀丽/田园风光的美色;2) 凝神倾听 (vt):~in sb's words/the news/the music 凝神倾听某人的话/那消息/音乐;

→′drinkable adj 可以喝的;′drinker n 饮酒的人;′drinking-fountain n (公共)饮水器; ′drinking-song n 饮酒歌;′drinking-water n 饮用水;′drunken adj 喝醉酒的;醉酒引起的;drunk adj





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