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单词 down
down/daʊn/ adv & adj [无comp];prep,vt & n

adv (1) 1) 向下(从高向低)(from a higher place to a lower one):come/go/get~(from somewhere)(从……)下来/下去/下去;walk/rush/run/drive/ride~(to somewhere)走/冲/跑/驶/骑(到……);drop/crawl/jump/fly/slip/hang~(from/to somewhere)(从……)掉/爬/跳/飞/滑/垂下去(到……);take/bring/carry/get/move/pass/pull/push/send sth~(from/to somewhere)(从……)把……拿/拿/带/弄/移/传/拉/推/送下去(到……);ask/call/help/let/order sth (sb)~请/叫/帮/让/命令……下去; The sun went~below the horizon/in the west. 太阳落到地平线下/西边去了。the road~下行路;2) 倒下(from an upright position to a horizontal one):lie/fall~躺下/倒下;The man was knocked~by a car. 那人被一辆小汽车撞倒了。put a stick~放倒一根棍子;3)(人身体)降低位置((of the body)to a lower position):sit/kneel/crouch~坐/跪/蹲下;bend/stoop/bow~弯腰/弯腰/躬身;go/get~on one's knees 跪下;
 (2) 在下面(in a lower position):Father is not~yet. 父亲还没有下楼。The fighter/tree/house is~.拳击手/树/房子倒了。The sun/moon/curtain is~. 太阳/月亮/窗帘落下了。 The telephone wires/Their heads are~. 电话线掉下来了/他们的头低下了。keep/stay/ stick~继续待在/停留在/卡在下面;He lives/His room is two floors~.他住在/他的房间在隔两层的下面。
 (3) 下降(to or in a lower condition):The water/temperature/birth-rate/yield of corn/consumption/level of unemployment is~. 水位/温度/出生率/谷类产量/消费/失业水平降低了。The temperature/production/price/cost/fare has gone(come/been put)~. 温度/生产/价格/成本/(车、船)费降低了。keep expenses~使花费保持低水平;The level is~by nearly a metre. 水面下降了近一米。We're two goals~at half-time. 到半场时我们已经落后两个球了。He was~(by) 15- 40 in the third game. 他在第三局以15比40落后了。They are 50%~on last week's profits. 他们的利润比上周降低了50%。〖反〗up;
 (4) 1) 离开(重要的地方,尤指大城市)(away from a place thought of as being more active or important esp a large city):I've just come~from London (to Bath). 我刚从伦敦(到巴斯)来。go/move~to the country 去/迁居乡下;2) 离开(大学,尤指牛津或剑桥)(away from a university esp Oxford or Cambridge):come~from Oxford/Cambridge 从牛津/剑桥来;I went~in August. 我是8月离开(牛津或剑桥去度假或毕业)的。3) 前往,在(指位置较低处,尤指南方) (to or in a place thought of as being lower esp southward):This is Westminster Bridge and London Bridge is about a mile further~. 这是威斯敏斯特桥,伦敦桥还往下游大约一英里。sail~to the sea 向海口处航行;go (fly)~from Edinburgh to London/from Leeds to Birmingham 从爱丁堡去(飞往)伦敦/从里兹去(飞往)伯明翰;go~to Florida/Southampton 去佛罗里达/南安普敦;We didn't live in London — we lived~in Hampshire. 我们不是住在伦敦,我们住在汉普夏。live~south/in Florida 住在南方/佛罗里达; 4)(离开说话者)前往(远处,尤指位置较低处)(to a point away from the speaker esp one thought of as being lower):go (walk/run)~to the market/the park/the end of the corridor 走(步行/跑)去市场/公园/走廊尽头;I must be~at the station/the harbour. 我得去车站/海港。leave sth~at one's office/one's house 把……留在了办公室/家里;What's that~there in the corner? 那边角落里的是什么?
 (5)(活动、力量、体积、质量)减少(弱)(to a state of less activity force strength power volume quality etc):The fire burnt/noise died~. 火势减弱/噪音变弱了。quieten/calm/settle~平静/镇定/定居下来; quieten the children/turn the radio~使孩子们安静下来/把收音机声音关小; get a report/a thesis~to 5 pages 把报告/论文压缩到五页;cut a list~quite a bit 把名单大大缩短;boil the liquid/the syrup~把液体/糖浆煮浓;water the wine/the liquor/the drink~把酒/酒/饮料调淡一些;The heels of my shoes/stone steps are quite worn~. 我的鞋后跟/石头台阶磨损得很厉害了。
 (6) 1) 记下(in written form):put/write/copy/note/take/mark/have/jot a telephone number (a statement/a name)~(in a notebook)把一电话号码(陈述/名字)(在笔记本上)写/写/抄/记/记/记/记/草草记下来;2) 列出名单(单子)((added) to a list):put (get) sb~on a list/for a team 把某人的名字记在名单上/一个队的名单上;(sb) be~(on a list) to do sth(某人)已(在单子上)记下要做某事;
 (7) ……到底(to the moment of catching getting or discovering):hunt the lion~追猎狮子;track a rumour/a bear~追查谣言/追踪一只熊;(police) run the thief~(警察)追捕到小偷;
 (8) 直到干净为止(until clean):wash/hose a car~洗干净/用软管冲干净一辆车;rub a horse~把马擦干净;
 (9)(一系列中)由上(大)往下(小)(indicating the upper(and lower)limits in a range):Everyone came to the meeting from the managing director/captain~. 从常务董事/队长往下每个人都来开会了。From 100~to 20/A~to F 从100至20/A至F;from the President~to the secretary 从总统到秘书;from the headmaster~to the young-est boy 从校长到最小的男学生;
 (10) 1) 现付(作为底金)(in partial payment at the time of purchase):pay sb half the money/£100~(and the rest at the end of the week)先付给某人一半钱/100英镑现金(其余的周末付清):buy a car for £30~先付30英镑现金买车;2)(在一定数量的钱中)花(损失)掉((with a stated amount of money) spent or lost):After paying all the bills, he found himself £10~. 付完所有的账单后,他发现花去了10英镑。
 (11)(在一系列的人或事中)已经(finished; done) [作pred](infml):That's 5~and another 5 candidates to see yet. 已会见了五个应聘者,还有五个要见。eight~and two to go. 已经八个了,还剩两个。
 (12) ……以来(from an earlier time to a later one):The recipe has been handed/passed~in our family (from father to son/from mother to daughter) for years. 这个秘方在我们家(父子/母女)相传已有许多年了。The tradition has come~from our ancestors. 这一传统是从我们祖先传下来的。D~through the ages/years this town has seen many changes. 漫长的岁月中这个镇子经历了许多变化。look~through the ages 审视古往今来;
 be down on sb 感到(表示)不满(或敌意)(infml):Everyboby is terribly~on him. 大家都对他非常不满。
 be down to sth 只剩下一点点钱:be~to one's last penny/pound/$2只剩下最后一便士/ 一英镑/两美元;
 be/go down with sth 生病:He is/has gone/has come~with flue/measles/a bad cold. 他得了流感/麻疹/重感冒。
 get down to sth 认真开始:Let's get~to study/work/business/our French. 咱们开始好好学习/工作/做生意/学法语吧!
 down with sth/sb 打倒,取消,放下:D~with the government/tyranny! 打倒政府/暴政! D~with the injustice!反对不公正! D~with the laws/the monarchy! 取消那些法律/君主制! D~with rifles! 放下你们的枪!
 down town 在(或去)市中心,进城:I was/went~town shopping yesterday. 昨天我在/去市中心买东西了。
 →′downfall n大雪(雨);′downpour n 倾盆大雨;͵down′grade vt 使降级(格);′downcast adj 垂头丧气的;朝下(看)的;͵down-′hearted adj 无精打采的;͵down′heartedly adv 无精打采地;downhill/͵—′—/adv 下山;走下坡;adj 下山的;走下坡的;downright/′— —/ adv 彻底地;adj 彻底的;直率(坦白)的;downstage/′— —/ adv 在(向)舞台前边;adj 舞台前的;downstairs/͵—′—/ adv 在(到)楼下;adj 楼下的;downtown adv/͵—′—/ 在(去)市中心(商业区);adj/′— —/ 市中心(商业区)的;downwind/͵—′—/ adv 顺风; adj 顺风的;down′stream adv 向下游;′downward(s) adv 向下(地);…… 以来;′downward adj 向下的;′down-and-out n 穷困潦倒的人;͵down-to-′earth adj 切实际的;
 adj (1) 下行的,向下的(moving or directed downward) [作attrib]:a~pipe/elevator 下行排水管/电梯;the~stairs/train/stripes (in a pattern)下行楼梯/(始发于伦敦的)下行火车/(图案中向下的)条纹;〖反〗up;
 (2) 消沉的,低落的(depressed or in low spirits)[作pred]:feel/look(very/awfully/thoroughly)~感到/看样子情绪(很/极其/极其)低沉;〖同〗disheartened,depressed;
 (3)(作为底金)先付的(being the first instalment in a series of payments):pay sb £100 as a~payment 先付给某人100英镑作为底金;make a~payment on a house 交首付买一座房子;
 prep(1) 向(在)下面(in or to lower position or level(from a high or higher one)):go/walk/run/roll~the stairs(the hill)走/走/跑/滚下楼梯(山);climb/crawl~a ladder(a wall)爬/爬下梯子(墙);fall~the stairs/the well 掉到楼梯/井下;(water) pour~the drain(水)顺排水管流下;look~sb's throat/the barrel of a gun 往嗓子/枪筒里看;(tears) flow~sb's face/sb's cheeks(泪)从脸/面颊流下;(hair)flow/hang~sb's back(头发)从背上飘下/垂下;be halfway~the hill 在半山腰下;~the stairs 在楼梯下;〖反〗up;
 (2) 向(在)……的下游(at or to a place near the mouth of a river):go/sail/move/float~a river 向河的下游行驶/航行/移动/漂浮;The bridge is a mile~the river from here. 桥在离这儿一英里的河的下游处。〖反〗up;
 (3) 沿……向前(towards the direction in which one is facing; along):go (walk/drive/come)~a street/a road/a path/a passage 沿街/路/小路/通路往前走去(步行/行驶/走来);go/walk/run/look~the garden 往花园那头走/步行/跑/看;live/park just~a street 就住/(把车)存在街的那头;~the line of children 从孩子们队列的这头向那头;〖同〗along;
 (4) 自……以来(from an earlier time to a later one):all~the years/ages/history(of a country)多年/许多个时代/(一个国家)有史以来;an exhibition of costumes~the ages 各个历史时期的服饰展览;
 (5) 去,前往(down to; to)(BrE):go~the shops/the town 去商店/城里;
 vt(1) 打倒(下)(knock (sb) to the ground) [T+n]:~the champion with one blow/a left hook/in the second round 一拳/一个左钩拳/在第二个回合中把冠军打倒;~a plane/a helicopter/a bomber 打下一架飞机/直升飞机/轰炸机;〖同〗fell, drop;
 (2) 击败(defeat) [T+n]:~the opposition(in an election)/a competitor (in business)/an opponent (in a game)击败(选举中的)反对党/(生意上的)竞争者/(比赛中的)对手;〖同〗defeat;
 (3) 很快喝(咽)下(finish (sth esp a liquid)quickly)[T+n]:~several pints of beer in half an hour 半小时喝下好几品脱啤酒;He~ed (what was left of) his beer/his coffee/his medicine and left. 他很快喝完(剩下的)啤酒/咖啡/药就走了。~an extra cup of coffee/three martinis/one cocktail 又多喝一杯咖啡/喝下三杯马丁尼酒/喝下一杯鸡尾酒;〖同〗swallow;
 down tools(突然)停止工作,罢工:They~tools and off they go. 他们扔下工具呼啦一下都走了。The workmen threatened to~tools. 工人们威胁说要罢工。
 n(1) 下降(落)(downward movement; descent)[C];
 (2) 心情低沉(sad disappointed mood)[C]:She's been on a~ever since he left. 他走后她一直心情不好。
 have a down on sb/sth 对……不满(怀敌意)(infml):She's got a~on me;I don't know why. 她对我不满,我不知为什么。
 ups and downs 盛衰,沉浮:We all have our ups and~s. 我们都会经历人生的沉浮荣辱。





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