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单词 double
double/′dʌbl/ adj & adv [无comp];det & nv [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

adj (1) 双(加)倍的(having twice the (usual)size weight strength number amount etc) [通常作attrib]:a~whisky/gin 一杯双料威士忌/杜松子酒;a~helping of peas/portion of potatoes 双份的豌豆/土豆;a~dose 双倍剂量;~pay/work/strength 双倍的报酬/工作/强度;~width/cream 双幅/高脂肪奶油;a~thickness of paper 纸的两倍厚;
 (2) 成双的,双层(排)的(consisting of two parts or things that are alike) [通常作attrib]:a~track/lock/window 双轨/双重锁/双层窗户;a gun with a~barrel 双筒枪;a man with a~chin 双层下巴的人; a ship with a~bottom 双层底的船;a~negative 双重否定;a~pay advertisement/bill 双版广告/连映(演);~doors/windows 双扇门/窗;~yellow lines/figures 双黄线/两位数;~inverted commas 双引号(“”);work in~harness(夫妻、兄弟、同伴)两人一起工作;~-decker 双层公共汽车;〖同〗paired, twin;
 (3) 供两者用的,双人的(made or designed for two people and things) [通常作attrib]:a~room/bed/ticket(to a dance)/sheet/blanket/writing table 双人房间/床/(舞)票/床单/毯子/写字台;a~garage/wedding/date 放两辆车的车库/两对配偶的婚礼/两对男女的分别约会;
 (4) 双重的(of two different kinds possibilities qualities etc together) [通常作attrib]:a~meaning/entendre 双关语义/双关语; a~purpose/aim/interpretation/agent 双重目的/目标/解释/间谍;a man with a~character/standard 双重性格/双重(道德)标准的人;the~advantage of being easy and cheap 既简单又便宜的双重优点; lead a~life 过双重人格的生活;do~duty 尽双重职责;〖同〗two-sided;
 (5)(花)重瓣的((of flowers) having more than the usual number of petals)[通常作attrib]:a~rose/chrysanthemum 重瓣的玫瑰花/菊花;
 →͵double-′bedded adj 有双人床的;͵double-′dealer n 口是心非的人;͵double-′dealing n 口是心非;′double-talk n 反话;′doubly adv 双倍地;双重地;
 det 双(加)倍的(twice the(usual)size weight strength number amount etc):~the usual quantity 通常数量的两倍;The job took~the time expected. 这个活儿花了预计的两倍时间。We need~the amount of milk/coal that you have. 我们需要你们现有的两倍那么多牛奶/煤。My income is~hers/what it was. 我的收入是她的收入/我过去的收入的两倍。He earns~what she does. 他赚的钱是她的两倍。The figure is more than~that of 1990/the 1990 figure. 这个数字比1990年的两倍还多。
 adv 成双(对)地(in twos in pairs or in groups of two):see/sleep~看成双影/俩人睡在一张床上; ride~on a horse 两人骑一匹马;fold a blanket/sheet~把毯子/床单对折;He was bent~with age.他上了岁数,背都驼了。
 →͵double-′barrelled adj 双筒的;复姓的;͵double-′breasted adj 对襟的;͵double-′edged adj 双刃的;双关的;͵double-′dyed adj 坏透了的;͵double-′faced adj 两面派的;͵double-′jointed adj 关节能前后弯曲的;͵double-′quick adj & adv 很快的(地);͵double-′book v ͵double-′booking n 将……同时预订给两个以上的人;͵double-′check v & n 两次(仔细)检查;͵double-′cross v & n (得到信任后)出卖;͵double-′park v 并列停车(于路边);
 n(1) 两(双)倍(twice the (usual) size weight strength number amountetc) [U]:Four is the~of two. 4是2的两倍。pay/offer sb~for sth 付给/提出要付给某人两倍于……的钱;He got/won £10 but I got/won~. 他得到/赢得10英镑,而我得到/赢得了他的两倍那么多。
 (2) 1) 一模一样的人或物(person or thing that resembles another) [C]:She is her mother's~(the~of her mother)(at the same age). 她长得和她母亲(当年同样年龄时)一模一样。This dress is the~of that.这件衣服和那件一样。Here is the~of your lost glove. 这只手套和你丢的那只非常相像。〖同〗 twin;2)(电影)替身演员(person who acts instead of a star in a film in some special esp dangerous scenes) [C];
 (3) 双倍量的一杯酒(glass of spirits that is twice the standard usu sold as one drink) [C]:I want a~(Scotch), please. 我要一杯双份(苏格兰)威士忌酒。Two Scotches and make them~s. 两杯苏格兰威士忌酒,每杯都加倍量。
 (4) 双打(match(esp of tennis) in which one pair plays another)[C, 常pl]:play~s 打双打;the men's/women's~s 男子/女子双打;mixed ~s 男女混合双打;a~s match 双打比赛;
 at/(AmE) on the double 快(跑)步走:He came/marched at the~. 他两步并作一步地走来/迈进。
 v(1)(使)加倍((cause sth to) become twice as great or as numerous) [I T+n]:Sales/Prices/Costs/The number (of accidents)/The population/His money~d over in the past five years.销售额/价格/成本/(事故)数/人口/他的钱在过去的五年内翻了一番。~the amount/the quantity/sb's salary/one's income 使总量/数量/某人的薪水/自己的收入增加一倍;The baby~d its weight in a year. 婴儿的体重在一年内增加了一倍。The company~d its profits in a year.公司的利润在一年内增加了一倍。The country~d its output in a year. 国家生产在一年内增加了一倍。Ten~s five. 10是5的两倍。
 (2) 对折,折叠(cause to bend or fold in two) [T+nT+n+adv(up/over/across/back)]:~a blanket/a cover/a sheet (over)把毯子/被子/床单折叠起来;He~d his slice of bread to make a sandwich. 他把面包片折起来做成一个三明治。~one's arms across one's chest 将双臂抱在胸前;
 (3) 兼作(它用)(serve an additional purpose)[I+prep(as)]:The sofa~s as a bed. 这沙发同时兼作床。The bed~s as a couch. 这床同时兼作长沙发。The history teacher~d as a hockey coach. 历史教师兼任曲棍球教练。The girl~s as secretary and receptionist/coach and captain. 这姑娘同时兼任秘书和接待员/教练和队长。
 (4) 兼演(两个角色)((of an actor or actress)play (a second part) as well as another) [I+prep(as),T+n]:Her main part is the mother, but she~s as the daughter. 她的主要角色是母亲,但她还兼演女儿。She~s as the mother and the daughter.(She~s the (two) parts of the mother and the daughter.) 她兼演母亲和女儿两个角色。
 (5) 同奏(唱)((music) play or sing the same music as (another instrument or voice))[T+n]:The violins~d the sopranos. 小提琴为女高音手伴奏。The saxophonist~d on drums. 吹萨克斯管的人与鼓合奏。
 double back(v adv)折回(vi):The bridge ahead was blown, so they had to~back. 前面的桥被炸毁了,所以他们只好往回走。
 double up/over (v adv)(使)弯下腰来(vt & vi):He('s)~d up (over) with pain/laughter/anger/mirth. 他疼/笑/气/高兴得直不起腰来了。The pain/blow~d him up. 疼痛/那一击使他直不起腰来。
 double up (on sth/with sb)(v adv prep)与……一起……(vi):She had to~up with her sister. 她只好和妹妹睡在一间屋了。





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