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单词 drive
drive/draɪv/ vdrove /drə ʊv, AmE droʊv/, driven /′drɪvn/; -eing / ɪ ŋ/]

v (1) 驾驶 (be able to guide control and direct (a vehicle an animal etc)) [I T+n]:Can you~(a car)? 你会开车吗?~well/fast/carelessly/safely/skilfully 车开得好/快/粗心/稳/熟练;~without speaking 开车不说话;~a car/a taxi/a Jaguar/a train/a tractor 开小汽车/出租车/美洲虎牌汽车/火车/拖拉机;~a carriage/a cart/a horse/a mule 驾四轮马车/赶大车/赶马/赶骡子;~one's car into a tree/round the corner/out of the gates 开车撞到树上/绕过拐角/出大门;~ing lessons 驾驶课;take lessons in~ing 上驾驶课;〖同〗ride;guide, steer, operate;2) 开车来(去) (come or go somewhere in a vehicle) [I I+prep I+adv]:Did you~? 你是开车来的吗?~home/to work/to the station 开车回家/去工作/去车站;The ship drove before the wind. 船顺风行驶。3) 开车送 (take or bring (sb) somewhere in a vehicle) [T+n T+n+prep T+n+adv]:~sb home/to work/to London/to the station/to the airport/to a party/to the wedding 开车送某人回家/去工作/去伦敦/去车站/去机场/去参加聚会/去参加婚礼;
 (2) 驱,赶 (force or urge to go) [T+n T+n+prep T+n+adv]:~trade/a dog/people 把生意/狗/人们赶走;~cattle on the road/sheep into a field/the geese across the road/the enemy out of a town 把牲口赶到路上/羊赶进地里/鹅赶过路去/敌人赶出城镇;~the attackers/flies off 把袭击者/苍蝇赶开;~the enemy back 击退敌人;Many people were driven out. 许多人被赶出了家门。 smoke to~away the mosquitoes 抽烟以驱赶蚊子;~sb out of the club (fig) 把某人赶出俱乐部;〖同〗move, advance;
 (3) 疾驰,猛刮(击,撞,冲) (move rapidly or violently with great force) [I I+prep]:(winds) drive against the house (风)猛刮房子;(rain) drive in our face (雨)抽打着我们的脸;(waves) drive against the shore (浪)猛击海岸; (ship) drive on the rocks (船)猛撞岩石;(clouds) drive across the sky (乌云)疾驰过天空;(troops) drive towards the enemy stronghold (部队)向敌人的要塞猛冲;~ing rain/hail/snow 骤雨/猛烈的冰雹/漫天大雪;
 (4) 推(刮)动 ((of water or wind) carry (sth) along) [T+n T+n+prep T+n+adv]:The gale (wind) drove the ship onto the rocks/the rain against the window-panes/the snow in our faces/dead leaves along. 暴风(风)刮得船触了礁/雨打窗户玻璃/雪打我们的脸/落叶飘飞。Huge waves drove the yacht onto the rocks. 巨浪把游艇推向岩礁。
 (5) 1) 打(钉,敲)进 (force (sth) into sth by hitting it) [T+n+prep]:~a stake into the ground/a knife into the enemy 把木桩打进地里/刀子捅进敌人的身体;~a nail into wood/into the wall/through the wood 把钉子敲进木头/敲进墙/敲穿木头;The nail drove right through the bottom. 钉子直穿透底部。~a proposal through Parliament (fig) 迫使议会通过一项提议;2) 困难地开通(修建) (construct (sth) by opening a way with difficulty) [T+n+prep]:~a tunnel through the rock/a railway through the mountain/a motorway across a mountain range 艰难地打通岩石修隧道/打通山修铁路/越过山脉修高速公路;
 (6) 1) 驱(迫)使 (force (sb) to act) [T+n T+n+adv]:A man driven by envy/jealousy/greed is capable of anything. 被妒忌/妒忌/贪欲驱使的人什么事都干得出来。The urge to survive drove them on. 生存的渴求驱使他们继续下去。2) 驱(迫)使得…… (force (sb) into the stated usu unpleasant condition or to do a specified thing) [T+n+prep C+n+adj C+n+to-inf]:His sorrow drove him to madness/desperation. 悲伤使得他发疯/走投无路。Her complaints/death drove him to drink. 她的抱怨/死驱使他酗酒。Tensions drove him to suicide. 紧张心理使他自杀身亡。Oppression drove them into open rebellion. 压迫使得他们公开反叛。He drove them into bankruptcy/debt. 他使他们破产/负债。The tragedy/These things drove her out of her mind (sense). 这一悲惨事件/这些事情把她逼得神经错乱了。The gadfly/noise drives cattle crazy (mad). 牛虻/噪音使牲畜发疯。(hunger) drive him to steal (饥饿)驱使他去偷窃;(pride) drive him to succeed (自豪)促使他成功;(hard work) drive him to drink (繁重的劳动)促使他酗酒;(poverty) drive him to go out to sea (贫穷)迫使他出海;What drove you to say that?是什么使得你要那么说? 〖同〗force,compel; 3) 使卖命 (make (sb) work very hard esp too hard) [T+n]:(boss)~his workers hard (at work) (老板)让工人们卖命工作;(she)~herself hard (at work) (她)工作上拼命;He drives the team relentlessly. 他严格训练这个队。〖同〗press, urge;
 (7) 用力击球 (cause (a ball etc) to move quickly forward through the air by hitting it with force) [I I+prep T+n T+n+prep]:He~s beautifully. 他击球很漂亮。He drove (the ball) to the boundary/to centre/over the fence/into the rough .他用力把球打到边界线/到中场/过围墙/进障碍区。
 (8) 推(驱)动 ((of electricity or some other power) cause to work by providing the necessary power) [T+n, 尤pass]:(mill) be driven by water (磨坊)由水驱动;(machine) be driven by electricity (机器)由电驱动;(turbine) be driven by stream (涡轮机)由蒸汽驱动;(steam)~the engine (蒸汽)驱动发动机;(oil engine)~the pump (汽油发动机)驱动泵;This wheel~s that one. 这个轮子带动那个轮子。
 be driving at (v prep) 试图做或说(总是以what作宾语) (vt):What are they really~ing at? 他们到底是什么意思?
 drive sth home (to sb) 把……说清楚(透彻):~the point/the meaning of the words home to sb 向某人把论点/单词的意义讲透彻;
 drive sb into a corner 逼得某人走投无路:When he's driven into a corner he loses his temper. 他被逼得走投无路时就会发脾气。
 →′drive-in n 不用下车的影院、餐馆;′driving n 驾驶; adj 转动的;猛烈的;驾驶的; ′driving-belt n 传动带;′driving-licence (AmE driver's license) n 驾驶执照;′driving-school n 驾驶学校;′driving-test (AmE driver's test) n 驾驶考试;′driving-wheel n 主动轮;
 n (1) 乘(驾)车,开车兜风 (journey in a vehicle esp for pleasure) [C]:have (take) a nice/little~开车美美地/稍稍地兜了一下风;go/come/take sb out for a~in the country 开车去/来/带某人出去到乡下兜了一圈风;a Sunday~周日驾车兜风;during the short~to the hotel 在去旅店的短时间行车过程中;How was your~to the airport? 开车去机场顺利吗? an hour's/two hour's/a half-hour/a twenty(-)minute/a forty(-)mile~开车行驶一小时/两小时/半小时/20分钟/40英里的路程;〖同〗ride,outing;
 (2) (公园中或通私宅的)车道 (road for vehicles esp one through a public park or from a gate to a private house) [C] (=AmE drive-way):The~is lined with trees. 车道边种着树。A lakeside~rings the reservoir.一条环形车道贴着水库绕行。
 (3) (球的)一击 (hard stroke made by driving in sports with a golf-club cricket bat etc) [C]:hit a long~to left field 向左场击出一个长传球;
 (4) 干劲 (forceful quality of mind or spirit (eg enthusiasm determination energy etc that gets things done)) [U]:He needs/lacks/has/shows~. 他需要/缺少/有/显示出干劲。have a lot of/tremendous~toward success 有争取成功的充沛/巨大干劲; Her~and ambition will help her get ahead. 她的干劲和雄心会使她超过别人。a person with great~干劲十足的人;〖同〗ambition, impulse, push;
 (5) (达到目的或满足需要的)愿望 (desire to attain a goal or satisfy a need) [C U]:(a) strong sex(ual)~强烈的性欲;human~s 人类的本能需要;his~to survive imprisonment 他活着出狱的愿望;
 (6)运动 (strong organized effort or campaign by a group to achieve sth) [C]:have/make/organize/begin/support a cultural~开展/开展/组织/开始/支持文化运动;join in a membership/sales/recruiting/union/charity~参加发展会员/销售/征兵/工会/募捐运动;join in an emulation/arms/export~ 参加竞赛/军备/外销运动; a~for more reading/to increase sales/to increase efficiency 争取多读书/增加销售/提高效率的运动;
 (7) 军事进攻 (strong military attack against the enemy) [C]:the British~into Libya 英军向利比亚的进攻;the enemy~towards the town 敌人对那个城市的进攻;make a long/southward~举行长途/向南的进军;〖同〗push, advance, campaign;
 (8) 纸牌赛 (social gathering to play card-games) [C] (BrE):a whist/bridge~惠斯特(纸牌)赛/桥牌赛;
 (9) 传动(装置) ((apparatus for) transmitting power to machinery) [C U]:electric/belt/fluid/gear/chain~电/皮带/流体/齿轮/链条传动;a car with (a) front wheel/rear-wheel/four-wheel~前轮驱动/后轮驱动/四轮驱动汽车;a car with left-hand~左侧驾驶的汽车; a~belt 传动带; the~shaft 主动轴;the~of a sewing-machine 缝纫机的传动装置;
 【辨异】1) driveride都用于表示交通方式。ride (骑,乘)指人两腿悬空地坐在上面走,如:ride a horse/a bicycle (骑马/自行车);drive指坐在车里(上)操纵,即驾驶,如:drive a car/a cart (驾驶汽车/驾驭大车); 驾驶员以外的乘客可用travel (旅行),ride (乘)或be driven (被开车送往……)。2 )drivesteer都可表示驾车等。drive指控制车辆(或驱赶马)等;steer (驾驶)指操纵车或船的方向,如:steer a car/a boat(驾驶车/船)。





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