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单词 drop
drop/drɔp, AmE drɑ:p/ n v [-pp-]

n (1) (点)滴(tiny round amount of a liquid usu falling) [C]:~s of rain/water/dew/condensation/blood/sweat/oil/paint 雨点/水珠/露珠/水珠/血滴/汗珠/油滴/漆点;rain-/tear-~s 雨点/泪珠;D~s of water sparkled in the sunlight. 水珠在阳光下闪烁。(rain/tear) leak/fall in large~s (雨/泪)大滴大滴地落/掉下来;pour the oil in~s 一滴一滴地倒油;〖同〗drip;
 (2) 极少量(的液体) (the smallest possible quantity of liquid) [C, 尤sing]:Will you have a~of brandy? 你要不要喝点白兰地? I'll just try a~. 我只尝一点点。There's (not) a~left. 还剩一点(一点也没剩)。Is there a~left in that bottle? 那瓶子里还剩一点吗? drink/empty a cup (glass) to the last~把杯(玻璃杯)中最后一点喝干;He's had a~too much. (fig) 他喝多了点。〖同〗dash, pinch, trace;〖反〗much, lots;
 (3) 滴剂(药) (liquid medicine poured a drop at a time into the ears eyes or nose) [pl]:eye/nose~s 眼药水/滴鼻剂;put~s in sb's eyes 给某人滴眼药水;Here is some medicine to drink, and here are some~s. 这是口服药水,这是滴剂。
 (4) 滴状物 (sth resembling a drop of water in shape or size esp sweet or hanging ornament) [C]:fruit/chocolate/pear/lemon/cough~s 水果糖球/巧克力糖球/梨糖球/柠檬糖球/咳嗽药丸;have a pair of diamond~s in one's ears 耳朵上坠着一对钻珠;
 (5) 垂直下降(的距离) ((distance of) steep or vertical descent) [C a~]:There is (It's) about a sheer of 80 feet (a 80-foot)~to the bottom/from the top of the mountain. 到底/从山顶算有大约80英尺的垂直距离。The road ends abruptly in a~to the sea. 路的尽头陡然坡向海边;a long~down into the hole 长距离下坠跌入洞中;The hikers avoided the~. 远足的人们绕过陡坡。〖同〗descent,fall;〖反〗rise;
 (6)降低,变弱,减少 (act or example of sth falling in amount degree number etc) [C a~] (fig):a (sudden/sharp/large)~in quality/quantity/prices/temperatures/speed/production/orders/public expenditure 质量/数量/物价/温度/速度/生产/定货/公众消费的(突然/急剧/大幅度)下降;a big~in the number of people out of work 失业者的大量减少;〖同〗decline, fall, decrease;〖反〗rise, increase;
 (7)降落(物),下降(物) (act of dropping;thing arranged to fall or to be lowered) [C]:make~s of food/supplies to the people on an island 向岛上的人们空降食品/供给品;watch the~of parachutists from a plane 观看伞兵从飞机上跳伞;
 (8)丢放东西的地方 (place where sth may be dropped put or left) [C] (AmE):a mail~投信口;
 (only) a drop in the bucket/the ocean 沧海一粟,微不足道的一点点:The work we can do is just a~in the ocean. 我们能做的工作简直是太微不足道了。
 (do sth) at the drop of a hat 毫不迟疑,立刻:I telephoned and he came at the~of a hat. 我一打电话他即刻便到。
 →′droplet n 小滴;
 v (1) (无意地)(让)落下 (fall or let (sth) fall (by accident)) [I I+prep T+n T+n+prep]:The bottle~ped and broke. 瓶子掉下去摔碎了。(teapot)~out of my hand (茶壶)从我手中掉出;(keys)~out of my pocket (钥匙)从我衣兜里掉出; (fruit)~from the tree (果实)从树上掉下来;(man)~from the top of the building (人)从楼顶上掉下来;(water)~from the leaves (水)从树叶上掉下来; (sun)~towards the western hills (太阳)在西边的群山落下;The wet leaves~ped water. 湿叶子在滴水珠。I~ped the teapot/the dish/my keys/my umbrella (on the floor/somewhere). 我把茶壶/盘子/钥匙/伞掉(在地上/什么地方)了。〖同〗drip, fall;
 (2) (有意地)(使)掉下,跳下,扔下 ((cause sth to) fall (on purpose)) [I I+prep I+adv T+n T+n+prep T+n+adv]:(man)~from the burning building (人)从着火的建筑物上跳下来;(sky-diver)~towards the earth (跳伞运动员)朝地面跳下;(cat)~onto it's paws (猫)四爪着地跳下来;~anchor/a handkerchief/bombs 抛锚/扔手帕/投炸弹;~a letter into the mailbox/supplies from the plane 把信投进信箱/供应品投下飞机;〖同〗dive, descend;〖反〗rise;
 (3) 累(倒)垮 ((of people and animals) fall or sink from exhaustion) [I I+prep];I feel ready to~. 我感到要累垮了。I was almost~ping towards the end of the race. 快到终点时我几乎累倒了。He worked until he~ped. 他直干到累得倒下。 He~ped into a chair/into a restless sleep/to the ground. 他累得倒在了椅子上/睡不安宁/倒在了地上。~from overexertion 操劳过度而倒下;~dead 过劳猝死;
 (4) 陡降 (form a steep or vertical descent) [I]:The cliff~s sharply (away) (to the sea/the ocean). 悬崖陡峭(直伸海/洋边)。
 (5) (使)下降(变弱,减少) ((cause sth to) fall in amount degree number etc) [I I+prep T+n T+n+prep]:Production/Sales/Prices~ped considerably. 生产/销售/价格大大下降。 The cost/value/temperature/water level/wind has~ped considerably. 成本/价值/温度/水位/风大大下降(减弱)了。Her voice~ped to a whisper/a lower note. 她的声音放低成耳语/放低了调门。~one's voice/one's eyes 压低嗓音/垂下眼帘;
 (6)让(乘客)下车,(中途)卸货 (set sb/sth down at a particular place) [T+n T+n+prep T+n+adv(off)]: (bus/driver)~sb (off) at the corner/the end of the road/the gates/sb's home/sb's destination (公共汽车/司机)让某人在拐角处/路的尽头/大门口/家门口/要去的地方下车;The postman~ped off a package at our house .邮递员给我家放下一个包裹。
 (7)投寄 (write in an informal or casual manner and send off (a short letter note etc) to sb) [D+n+n] (infml):~sb a line/a short note/a letter/a postcard (about sth) 给某人寄短信/便笺/信/明信片(说说某事);
 (8) 随便一说 (say quickly casually or in passing) [D+n+n D+n+prep(to), T+n]:~sb a hint (on the subject)/a remark (about the weather)/a word (in sb's ear) 给某人(就那个问题)以暗示/与某人聊两句(天气)/对某人(耳语)几句;He~ped the fact that he had no money left. 他顺口说出他分文不剩的事实。
 (9) 漏掉,删(除)去 (leave out omit (by accident or on purpose)) [T+n T+n+prep(from)]:~a letter from a word 漏掉单词中的一个字母;~a stitch 漏织一针; be~ped from the football team for the next match because of injury 因受伤不让参加足球队下次比赛;The captain/coach had~ped me from the team. 队长/教练把我从队里除名了。~sb from the club 把某人从俱乐部除名;〖反〗omit, leave out;〖同〗include;
 (10) 解雇 (stop employing) [T+n T+n+prep(from)]:I've~ped my lawyer. 我解雇了我的律师。The boss~ped six men from the stuff. 老板解雇了六名员工。〖同〗dismiss, fire, discharge;〖反〗hire;
 (11) 1) 停止交往 (stop seeing (sb reject) [T+n]:~one's friends 不与朋友交往;Why has he~ped me? 他为什么不和我来往了? 2)放弃 (give up (a habitcustometc)) [T+n]:~a course in school/studying science/the idea of going abroad/an interest/a hobby 放弃学校里的一门课程/学理科/出国的想法/兴趣/爱好;3) 停止做(讨论) (stop doing or discussing (sth)) [T+n I]:Let's~the matter/the subject/the formalities! 咱们别再谈论这件事/讨论这个题目/客套了。D~everything/whatever you are doing and come here. 把一切/手中的工作放下,到这儿来。Let the matter~. 把那事放下。〖同〗 abandon,leave,give up;〖反〗take up,consider;
 (12) 输钱 (lose (money), esp by gambling etc) [T+n] (infml):~two hundred on the deal/at horse races 那笔生意/赌赛马输掉了200元;
 (13) 打倒 (knock down;cause to fall) [T+n] (infml):~sb with one blow 一拳打倒某人;The challenger~ped the champion in the fifth round. 挑战者在第五个回合把冠军击倒了。〖同〗fell, floor, knock down;
 (14) 落后 (fail to keep up as in a race) [I I+prep(behind), I+adv(away/off/back/behind)]:The runner~ped behind (the others)/away (from the others)/off. 那赛跑运动员落在了(别人)后面。The student~ped behind the rest of the class. 那个学生落在了全班后面。
 drop by/in/over/(a)round (v adv/prep), drop in on sb (v adv prep), drop into sth (v prep) 顺便访问(vi & vt):He~ped by/around/in/over last night. 他昨天夜里顺便来看了看。He~ped by the club to see if she was there. 他顺便来俱乐部看看她在不在。 They~ped in on us on the way. 他们回家的路上顺便进来看看我们。We~ped into a roadside pub for a drink. 我们顺便进了一家路边小酒店喝点酒。
 drop off (a adv) (infml) 1) 打盹儿 (vi):I felt myself~off in the middle of the second act. 我觉得自己在看到第二幕中间时打盹儿了。2)下降,减少 (vi):Sales/Business/Traffic/Interest has dropped off. 销售/生意/来往车辆/兴趣已经减少(弱)了。3) (让)下车 (vi & vt):~(sb) off at the library/the crossing/the corner/the post office (让某人)在图书馆/十字路口/街角/邮局下车;
 drop out (v adv) 1) 退出 (vi):~out of politics/society 退出政治/社交; Five members~ped out.五个成员退出了。2) 退(辍)学 (vi):~out of school/university 上中学/大学辍学;
 →′dropper n 滴管(瓶);′droppings n 鸟兽的粪;
 【辨异】drop in oncall oncall in onvisit的区别见CALL。





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