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单词 腾云驾雾

腾云驾雾téng yún jià wù

mount the clouds and ride the mist—speed across the sky; feel dizzy (/giddy) 〔as if in a mist〕/道静头脑昏昏沉沉,好象在~。(杨沫《青春之歌》37) Daojing’s head was heavy and she was too dizzy to think coherently;…/原来是~的神圣下界! 怪道火不能伤! (《西游记》226) So you are actually an incarnate deity who knows how to ride the fog and sail with the clouds! No wonder fire cannot harm you!

腾云驾雾teng yun jia wu

❶mount the clouds and ride the mist—speed across the sky
❷feel giddy

腾云驾雾ténɡ yún jiā wù

乘着云雾飞行在空中。形容行动迅速;也形容神思恍惚,头脑迷糊。speed across the sky, feel dizzy, travel through space





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更新时间:2025/3/14 19:46:37