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单词 draft
draft/drɑ:ft, AmE dræft/ nvt [-ed, -ed/ ɪd/]

n (1) 草稿(案,图)(first rough sketch outline plan etc) [C U(in~)]:make/write/revise/finish a first(rough)~of a speech(a play/a story/an essay/a declaration)拟/写/修订/完成讲话(剧/故事/论文/声明)的草稿;a~of the architect's plans 建筑草图;a~plan for a new law 新法规草案;a~amendment/copy/version 修正案草案/草稿/草拟本;a plan still in~还在起草中的计划;〖同〗sketch, outline;

(2) 汇票(written order to a bank for the payment of money esp from one bank to another) [C U(by~)]:a~on an American bank for $100 for sb 一张给某人的100美元的美国银行汇票;send/give sb a bank~for £100 寄给/给某人一张100英镑的银行支票;get a~cashed 兑汇票;get money from Paris to Rome by~用汇票方式把钱从巴黎转至罗马;

(3)(选拔的)特遣队(group of people (esp soldiers) chosen from a larger group for a specific duty) [C Gp]:send a fresh~of nurses to the worst hit area 派一支新选拔的护士特遣队去重灾区;a~of soldiers一小分队士兵;

(4) 征兵通知(practice of forcing people by law to serve in the armed forces)[C the~](AmE, = BrE call-up):register for the~应征入伍;avoid the~逃避征兵;a~card 征兵证;

(5) 一股凉风,过堂风(current of air esp in an enclosed space) [C](AmE, = BrE draught):Close the window and stop that~. 关上窗户,别让那嗖嗖的风刮进来。feel a~on one's shoulders 觉得肩上一股凉风掠过;〖同〗wind, breeze;

(6)一饮;一饮之量(one continuous process of swallowing liquid or the amount taken in a single swallow) [C](AmE, = BrE draught):a~of water 一口水;

vt(1) 起草,草拟(make in the form of a rough plan) [T+n]:~a plan/a cable/a report/a letter 草拟计划/电报/报告/信;~a contract/a treaty/a constitution/a parliamentary bill/a law/a programme 起草合同/条约/宪法/议会的议案/法律/纲领;~the model of an atomic engine 草绘原子能发动机的简图;〖同〗outline, sketch;

(2) 选派(choose(esp soldiers)and send them somewhere for a specific duty)[T+n T+n+prep T+n+ adv]:~police to control the crowds/soldiers to do guard-duty/recruits to work in the kitchen 派警察去控制人群/士兵去警戒/新兵去伙房工作;~the new candidate 选派新的应聘者;

(3) 征召……入伍(take (sb) into military service) [T+n T+n+prep(into)](AmE):be~ed into the Army/the Navy 被征入陆军/海军;Married men are generally~ed after single man. 已婚男子通常在单身男子之后被征兵。

→′draftsman n 绘图员;起草人;draf′tee n 应征入伍者;






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