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单词 拨云见日

拨云见日拨云见天bō yún jiàn rì

brush aside the clouds and see the face of the sun—restore justice; clear (/dispel) the clouds and see the sky;see the clear sky when the clouds have been swept aside; redress wrong and restore justice; remove the clouds of suspicion
❍ 今日幸得相见义士一面,愚男如~一般。(《水浒全传》351) I’m glad to meet you. To my son you’re the sun emerging from the clouds!/超顿首谢曰:“今遇明主,如拨云雾而见青天!”(《三国演义》564)Ma Chao bowed his head,saying,“Meeting you,O illustrious lord,is like seeing the sky when the clouds heve been swept aside.”/晚生得蒙老先生指教,如~,感谢不尽。(《儒林外史》456) You have scattered the clouds to let me see the sun,sir. I can’t say how grateful I am for your advice.

拨云见日日(天)bō yún jiàn rì

拨开乌云,看到蓝天。比喻见到光明或思想受到启发。sweep away the clouds and see the sun, dispel the clouds and see the sun, dispel the clouds and see the sun

拨云见日日(天)bō yún jiàn rì

拨开乌云,看到蓝天。比喻见到光明或思想受到启发。sweep away the clouds and see the sun, dispel the clouds and see the sun, dispel the clouds and see the sun





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