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单词 intelligence
释义 intelligence /m'tehdsans; in'tcls6zsn8/ n [U] 1 the power of perceiving, learning, understanding and knowing; mental ability: 智力; 才智 shows little 智力不高的我孩。 The children were given an ~ test. 那些孩子们接受了智力测验。 When the water-pipe burst, she had the ~ to turn the water off at the main. 当水管裂开时,她很有头脑,连忙把总水替关起来。 2 news; information, esp with reference to important events; 消息; 情报(尤指与重要事件有关者): have secret ~ of the enemy's plans; 获得有关敌方计划之秘密情报; the / ~ Department/ Service, eg of an army or navy, collecting and studving information useful in war. 情报部门(例如陆军或海军中捜集及研判战时有用之情报资料者)。 intelligent /-ant; -ant/ adj having, showing, ~: 有智力的; 有才智的; 聪明的: intelligent questions/, answers; 聪明的问题(答复); an intelligent child; 聪明的孩子; on intelligent expression on sb's face. . 某人晚上听明的. 表情。 in tel li gent ly adv




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