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单词 dust
dust/dʌst/ n v [-ed, -ed / ɪd/]

n (1) 尘土(埃),粉末 (fine dry particles of earth dirt etc) [U]:(furniture/books/roads) be covered in/with~(家具/书/道路上)满是尘土;D~lay thick in the street. 街上落着厚厚一层土。 (the air in the room) be full of~(房间的空气中)飞满灰尘;clouds of~飞扬的尘土;a speck of~一点尘土;a~storm 尘暴;gold/chalk/saw~金粉/粉笔末/锯末;The car threw off a cloud of~. 车子扬起一阵尘土。The cloth was so ancient that it fell to~as we touched it. 那块布年代太久远了,一碰就成了粉末。

(2) 一阵尘土 (a cloud of such particles) [U a~]:The car/horse's hooves raised quite a~. 车子/马蹄扬起好一阵尘土。

(3) 遗骸 (remains of a dead body) [U] (lit):respect the~of a great leader 瞻仰伟大领袖的遗骸;

→′dusty adj 满是灰尘的;粉末状的;′dustbin (BrE) n 垃圾箱;′dust-cart n 垃圾车;′dustman n 垃圾清扫工;′dustpan n 簸箕;′dust-sheet n 防尘罩;′dust-cover n 防尘罩;′dust-jacket n 护书封皮;′dust-up n 吵架;打架;

v (1) 掸(拭,揩) (clean dust from (sth) by wiping brushing or beating) [I T+n]:~every day/once a week 每天/一周揩一次灰尘;~furniture/books/rooms 掸家具/书籍/房间的尘土;~clothes 掸衣服上的尘土;

(2) 掸(擦)掉……身上的灰尘 (remove dust from (sb) in this way)[T+n+adv(down/off)]:D~yourself down:you are covered in plaster from the ceiling. 掸一掸你身上,你浑身都是天棚上掉下来的灰。

(3) 撒粉末 (cover with a powdery substance) [T+n T+n+prep(onto/over)]:(snow)~the trees (雪花)飘落在树木上;~sugar onto (over) cakes 把糖撒在蛋糕上;~powder onto (over) roses 把杀虫粉撒在玫瑰花上;~fertilizer onto (over) plants 把肥料撒在植物上;~the sweets with sugar/icing sugar 往糖果上撒糖/糖霜;~the crops with insecticide 往庄稼上撒杀虫剂;~one's face with powder 往脸上擦粉;

→′duster n 掸子;抹布





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