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单词 drum
drum/drʌm/ n v [-mm-]

n (1) 鼓 (musical instrument played by hitting the skin stretched across it's body) [C]:play the~(s) 敲鼓; A~began to beat. 一只鼓开始敲响了。

(2) 鼓声 (sound made (as if) by a drum) [U a/the~]:the~of fingers on the table/of the rain against the window 手指敲桌子/雨点打在窗户上的咚咚声;

(3) 鼓状物 (thing shaped like a tall drum) [C]:an oil~油桶;Oil is shipped in large~s. 油用大油桶装运。〖同〗barrel;

(4) 耳膜 (layer of thin skin inside the ear which moves when sound waves hit it) [C] (=eardrum);

→′drumbeat n 击鼓;鼓声;′drumhead n 鼓面;′drumstick n 鼓槌;鸡腿;′drumfire n 连珠般的火炮;

v (1) 击(敲,打)鼓 (beat or play a drum) [I]:He spent the evenings~ming in the attic. 他天天晚上在阁楼上敲鼓。

(2) 不停地敲得咚咚响(make drum-like noises on sth esp by beating or tapping continuously) [I+prep (on), T+n T+n+prep(on)]:His fingers~med on the table. 他的手指在桌上咚咚地敲。~on the floor/the table (with one's feet/one's fingers) (用脚/手指)咚咚地敲地板/桌子;The rain~med loudly on the window(-pane)/the metal roof. 雨点咚咚地敲击着窗户(玻璃)/铁屋顶。The sound of the surf/the noise~med in our ears. 拍岸的涛声/嘈杂声震耳欲聋。~a strange loud beat 敲出奇怪震耳的咚咚声;~one's feet (fingers) on the floor/the table 脚(手指)咚咚地敲地板/桌子;〖同〗tap,beat;

drum sth into sb/sb's head 不断地灌输:His teacher kept~ming the multiplication/the figures/the facts into him (his head). 老师不停地向他讲乘法/数字/材料让他记住。His father~med it into him that he had to succeed. 他父亲总跟他讲他必须成功。

→′drummer n 鼓手;旅行推销员;′drumming n 连续而有节奏的声音





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