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单词 刁钻古怪

刁钻古怪diāo zuān gǔ guài

cunning and eccentric;eccentrically crafty; erratic and wily; perverse; sly and capricious; strange and cranky; unusally cunning
❍ 不知你我这样人家的孩子,凭他们有什么~的毛病,见了外人,必是要还出正经礼数来的。(《红楼梦》718)The thing about boys from families like ours is that,no matter how perverse they may be,they always behave correctly to visitors.
❍ 众人听了,都笑起来,说:“偏他编个迷儿也是~的。”(《红楼梦》630) All the others protested laughingly,“Even when making riddles,she’s full of monkey-tricks!”/诗题也别过于新巧了。你看古人中,那里有那些~的题目和那极险的韵呢? (《红楼梦》457) The themes for verses shouldn’t be too outlandish. You can see that the poets of old times didn’t go in for far-fetched subjects or freakish rhymes.
❍ 天生下来这一种~的脾气,如何使得? (《红楼梦》719) But what can we do when he was born with such a strange cranky temper?

刁钻古怪diāo zuān ɡǔ ɡuài

刁钻:狡诈;古怪:怪僻。形容狡猾狡诈,与众不同。sly and capricious, strange cranky, wild and peculiar, cunning and eccentric, unusually cunning, perverse, be full of monkey-tricks





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