关(關)[関]ɡuānⅠ ❶ (使开着的物体合拢) close;shut:~ 窗户 shut the window; 他随手轻轻地把门 ~ 上了。 He closed the door softly behind him. ❷ (圈起来) shut in;lock up:把鸡 ~ 在栅栏里 shut the chickens in a pen;~ 进监狱 lock up (in prison);put behind bars; 别把孩子们成天 ~ 在屋里。 Don't keep the children inside all day. 他把自己 ~ 在房里一整天。 He locked himself in the room for a whole day. ❸ (倒闭;歇业) close down;go out of business:他们决定把那个分公司 ~ 了。 They have decided to close that branch down. 昨天又有两家店铺 ~ 了。 Two more shops closed down yesterday. ❹ (发放或领取工资) grant or draw one's pay:~ 饷 get paid ❺ (中断) turn off;switch off:~ 灯 turn off the light; 把暖气 ~ 上 — 屋里太暖和了。 Shut the steam off — it's getting too warm in here. ❻ (牵连;关系) involve;concern;connect:~ 你什么事。 Does it concern you?;None of your business. 这不 ~ 他的事。 That doesn't concern him. Ⅱ ❶ (守卫处所) pass;check point:出 ~ go to the other side of a pass; 把 ~ guard the pass ❷ (货物出口和入口的收税处) customhouse:海 ~ customs ❸ (转折点或难点) turning point or barrier:突破难 ~ breakthrough the barrier ❹ (起转折关联作用的部分) critical juncture;mechanism:机 ~ mechamism;gear ❺ (姓氏) a surname:~ 羽 Guan Yu ◆关隘 [书] (险要的关口) (mountain) pass;gate;slip; 关白附 {中药} Korean aconite roof;Korean mondshood root;Radix Aconiti Coreani; 关保险 safe-on (武器处于保险状态);关闭 (使开着的物体合拢) close;shut;shut off;paralyse;gag;occlude;cut off;(企业、学校等歇业或停办) close down;shut down; 关车 cut-off; 关冲 {穴位} Jing-Well point Guanchong (TE 1);关刺 {中医} joint needling;articular needling; 关岛 Guam (西太平洋马里亚纳群岛中最大岛);关店歇业 close up shop and stop business; 关掉 switching;breaking; 关东 northeast China;east of Shanhaiguan; 关断 turn-off;shutoff;cutoff; 关防 official seal; 关风器 air seal machinery; 关格 {中医} obstruction and rejection; 关公门前耍[舞]大刀 show off before an expert;teach one's grandmother how to suck eggs; 关怀 show loving care for;show solicitude for; 关怀备至 show the utmost solicitude;show sb. with solicitude;show every concern for sb.;show sb. every consideration;give meticulous care to sb.;be deeply concerned with ...; 关机时间 unattended time;off time;unused time; 关键 hinge;key;crux;linchpin;lynchpin; 关键词 keyword; 关键词检索 keyword search; 关键码 {自} key; 关键期 critical period; 关键问题 the key to the question;the crux [heart] of the matter;the 64 [sixty-four dollar] question; 关键性误差 critical error; 关键字 {自} keywords; 关节 {生理} joint;articulation;articulus;juncture;arthrosis;article;artus;knuckle;key links;links; 关节内注射 intra-articular injection; 关节式 articulated type; 关节炎 {医} arthritis;arthrophlogosis; 关紧 fasten;fast; 关进 shut;impound;shut-in; 关进窝里 kennel; 关禁闭 put in confinement;lock up; 关境 customs area; 关口 strategic pass;gate;juncture; 关联 relevance;be related;correlation;relevancy;interaction;interconnection;be connected; 关联序 related order; 关连 correlate; 关连子 correlator; 关龙 a surname; 关脉 {中医} the Guan pulse (the pulse felt at the radial styloid process); 关门 close;slam the door on sth.;refuse discussion or consideration;behind closed doors;{穴位} Guanmen (S 22);关门闭户 close the door; 关门不利 {中医} edema with difficulty in urination due to hypofunction of the kidney; 关门打狗 shut the dogs up to beat them;blot the door and beat the dog — block the enemy's retreat and then destroy him; 关门大吉 put up the shutters;close down [up] for good;fold up;wind up; 关门落闩 close the door [gate] and bolt it; 关门落锁 close the door and lock it; 关门上闩 bolt the door; 关门上锁 lay [put] the key under the door;close the door and lock it; 关门政策 a closed-door policy; 关门捉贼 catch the thief by closing his escape route; 关木通 {植} Caulis aristolochiae manshuriensis; 关内 inside Shanhaiguan Pass; 关卡 customs pass;an outpost of the tax office;censorship;screening; 关切 be deeply concerned;show one's concern over; 关山迢递 The gate and mountain are far away — a long distance.;be separated far apart;through distant mountain fortresses and passes; 关税 customs;duty;customs duties;tariff; 关税壁垒 tariff barriers; 关税及贸易总协定 General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT); 关税率 tariff rate;customs tariff; 关税配额 tariff quota; 关税政策 tariff policy; 关、停、并、转 shut down,stop production,merge and change its products;close down,suspend operations,amalgamate with others or switch to the manufacture of other products; 关停策略 divest-and-exit strategy; 关头 juncture;moment; 关外 outside Shanhaiguan Pass;northeast China; 关务员 customs house officer;customs officer; 关系 relation;filiation;relationship;relevance;regard;ratio;tie;bearing;impact;significance;concern;affect;have a bearing on;have to do with;credentials showing membership in or connection with an organization; 关系不和 rupture; 关系不清 ambiguity; 关系户 relative family;an individual,group or organization receiving preferential treatment;a well-connected individual or group;special relations with those working on supply stores and privilages; 关系式 comparison expression;relation;relational expression;relationship; 关系数据库 relational database; 关系网 a well-connected network;relative network;connection network;relation net;the relation of social connections; 关系学 good relations with others;favouritism through connections; 关系正常化 the normalization of relations; 关厢 a neighourhood outside of a city gate; 关心 be concerned with;show solicitude for;be interested in;care for;regard; 关心疾苦 care about sb.'s troubles; 关心民瘼 look after the suffering of the people [masses];关押 lock up;put in prison;put behind bars; 关于 about;on;with regard to;concerning;in regard to [of];with respect to;as respects;as regards;in this regard;in one's regard;as concerns ...;as to;relate to ...;in relation to;relative;as far as ... be concerned; 关元 {穴位} Energy Pass;Guanyuan (CV 4);关元腧 {穴位} Guanyuanshu (B 26);关栈保留证 ware house bond; 关栈保险 bonding insurance; 关栈仓库 bonded warehouse; 关栈费 bonding fee; 关栈货物 bonded goods; 关栈货栅 bonded shed; 关栈货值 bonded value; 关栈区 bonded area; 关张 [方] close down; 关照 look after;keep an eye on;notify by word of mouth;tell; 关中 the central Shaanxi plain; 关注 follow with interest;pay close attention to;show solicitude for 关❶pass;test ❷imprison ❸close;turn off 他被~进了监狱。He is imprisoned./过好社会主义这一~ acquit oneself well in the test of socialism/过了各种~come through many tests/过不了人情~ cannot pass the test of social snobbery/躲过了鬼门~ escape from the gate of hell (or jaws of death)/随手~灯turn off the light behind you /~好门窗close the door and windows |